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WND Pundit Cites Osama Bin Laden To Claim Obama's A 'Girly-Man President'

WorldNetDaily’s Jane Chastain thinks President Obama acts pretty much like a “valley girl chewing gum and doing her nails” who will forever be known as the country’s first “valley girly-man president.”

Chastain even cites a quote from Osama bin Laden as proof of Obama’s weakness: “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.”

Yes, the late al-Qaeda leader must think Obama’s a total wimp.

Hillary Clinton would like to become the first woman president. Should she succeed, it likely would be a bit anticlimactic. We’ve already had a girly-man president. More correctly, we’ve had a valley girly-man president – an uppity little pampered princess who can’t, or won’t, be bothered with things in which he has no interest, like terrorism or foreign policy.

In true valley girl (I’m privileged and don’t have to work) fashion, he spent his time partying with socialites and high rollers at a series of lavish fundraisers and attended an extravagant wedding.

Obama told his guests at the event in Westchester County, New York, “(Like) I promise you (like) things are (totally) much less dangerous now (I’m so sure) than they were 20 years ago, 25 years ago or 30 years ago. (Rad!)” Nor was Obama the least bit worried about the growing crisis with Russia in Ukraine. As if to drive home that point Obama added, “(Like) this is not something that is comparable to the challenges we faced during the Cold War (Duh)!” Speaking to another group of affluent guests in Newport, Rhode Island, Obama assured those assembled that our post 9/11 security system “makes us in the here and now (like) pretty safe. (Chill!)” He added that ISIS “doesn’t immediately (like totally) threaten the homeland. (Duh! Whatever!)”

Remember these words of Osama bin Laden, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse.”

Over the long holiday weekend, the closest Obama came to work was a Labor Day speech in Milwaukee where he concentrated on the “rights of (illegal) immigrants” and the minimum wage. With ISIS bent on our destruction and Russia gobbling up territory, that’s tantamount to a valley girl chewing gum and doing her nails.