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WND: Gays Following Hitler's Mein Kampf, Need 'Hormone Treatment'

WorldNetDaily’s Jane Chastain claims gay rights advocates are following “the principle of winning the battle of the mind” laid out by Adolf Hitler, who violently persecuted gays and lesbians, in Mein Kampf.

After arguing that gays are trying to manipulate others, Chastain maintains that only “some people (a tiny fraction of a percent) are born with physical abnormalities that might predispose one to that lifestyle” and “these cases are 100 percent correctable. It often involves something as simple as hormone treatment.”

I do not hate anyone. (It seems silly to have to preface my remarks with that statement, but these are strange times.) I do hate bad behavior. That includes lying, name-calling, intimidation and bullying, which have become the hallmarks of gay-rights activists.

Last week, the Boy Scouts of America abandoned the time-honored principles enshrined in the oath and law and gave in to these bullies when leadership skillfully manipulated its voting delegates to approve a resolution to admit openly gay Scouts into its ranks.

The oath includes a “duty to God” and a pledge to keep oneself “morally straight.” The law proclaims that a Scout is – among other things – obedient, reverent, loyal and brave. The BSA leadership is none of the above. Therefore, the Scouts’ ability to lead young boys to become responsible God-fearing young men with these qualities has been hopelessly compromised.

Adolf Hitler introduced the principle of winning the battle of the mind with the “Big Lie” in his book “Mein Kampf”:

“… the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. Here, as so often in the world, persistence is the first and most important requirement for success.”

The Big Lie as practiced by gay rights activists:

• Homosexuality is not a choice. One is born that way.

• Homosexuality is normal and natural for these individuals.

• If you have any of these feelings, you should embrace them.

• If you do not agree with the above statements, you are displaying homophobic behavior (fear of homosexuals).

• And therefore you discriminate against gay individuals.

No one likes to be accused of discrimination or to be called names, which is part and parcel of the bullying process. However, to cave in to bullies is not bravery, it is cowardice.

I would be the first to admit that some people are “born gay” if there were scientific evidence to support such a claim. There is not!

Some people (a tiny fraction of a percent) are born with physical abnormalities that might predispose one to that lifestyle. These cases are 100 percent correctable. It often involves something as simple as hormone treatment.

In most cases, however, homosexuality is connected to a bad home environment with an absent father and/or domineering mother, sexual molestation or – more common today – something call imprinting (first sexual experience).