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WND 'Expert': Lunar Eclipse Divine Warning About Iranian Nuclear Deal

Over the weekend, some parts of the world witnessed the third in a series of four total lunar eclipses — or “blood moons” — occurring in the space of about a year and a half, starting last April. And once again, as it did with the previous two eclipses in this cycle, WorldNetDaily brought in its blood moon “expert,” Mark Biltz, to comment on what the astronomical occurrence means for world events.

Biltz, reliably, tied the event to the nuclear deal with Iran, telling WND that the eclipse was a message from God likening President Obama to the biblical figure Haman, who plotted to kill all the Jews in Persia:

Pastor Mark Biltz, the discoverer of the Blood Moons phenomenon, says current events in the Middle East are “totally tied to these Blood Moons.”

“A number of rabbis have said this, that Obama comes across as a kind of Haman figure. Haman we recall was a Persian official who wanted to kill the Jews living within that empire. Of course, the modern heir of the Persian Empire is Iran, now the Islamic Republic. And we have Iranian generals openly saying that they want to destroy Israel. God is clearly sending us a sign reminding us of these parallels.”

WND also turned to End Times author Joel Richardson, who warned that the nuclear deal with Iran would bring about harsh divine judgement against American political leaders in the Last Days:

But Richardson says it is not just Israel that is at risk but the United States. Barack Obama, he suggests, has done nothing less than open the nation to the risk of divine judgment.

“More than any other name, the creator of Heaven and Earth, the God of the Bible calls Himself, the God of Israel. Through His prophets, He has repeatedly warned that a tremendous punishment awaits the vessels through which tribulation falls upon the Jewish people. (Isaiah 10:5-12).

“It is the duty of Christians throughout the earth to warn our president that such actions will result in the most severe punishment when Jesus returns. As much as we all love the various images of Jesus the Messiah gently cradling a baby lamb over his shoulders, the Scriptures also speak of the fact that when Jesus returns, ‘He will crush kings on the day of his wrath. He will judge the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the whole earth’ (Psalm 110:5-6).

“While the global atmosphere of increasing anti-Semitism and anti-Zionist sentiment may be make it quite fashionable and hip to treat little Israel as our president is doing, the fact remains that the day is looming where Barack Obama, along a host of leaders from Muslim nations and the UN will look into the very Jewish eyes of their creator and judge, and He will render to them the righteous punishment for how they have treated His brethren, the Jewish people,” he said.

“As a Bible believing Christian, we are called to pray for our leaders. Today my prayer for President Obama and the majority of our present government leaders is for repentance. At this point, only a genuine and deep repentance will spare them from the wrath of Jesus, who is coming back to restore the Jewish Kingdom, exactly as He promised (Matthew 19:28).”