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WND Defends Cliven Bundy As Victim Of 'Entrapment,' 'Communism'

While Cliven Bundy’s allies at Fox News have either gone silent or distanced themselves from the lawless rancher after the New York Times reported on his racist rant, the right-wing pundits at WorldNetDaily are standing by their man.

After publishing an interview with Alan Keyes that tried to absolve Bundy of racism, WND editor Joseph Farah said that the New York Times must have deliberately misquoted Bundy, calling him an “entrapment target” and victim of a “sting operation.”

This was a sting operation by the New York Times. The entrapment target wasn’t so much Bundy, but anyone in public life who denounced the Bureau of Land Management’s Gestapo-like tactics in dealing with him.

Cliven Bundy won’t be so fortunate after been stung by the New York Times.

But it won’t change Bundy’s life much. It wasn’t intended to. It was intended to isolate those in public life who stood up to the obvious brutishness and injustice perpetrated on Bundy by the federal authorities and public officials who targeted him.

Unfortunately for Farah, Bundy’s unprompted remarks are available for the world to see on video, as they were made at a public press conference.

Another WND story found that Bundy couldn’t be racist because he is planning to invite Latinos and African Americans to a party:

“Friday night we are actually planning a party and specifically inviting blacks and Latinos,” said [Shawna] Cox. “We started planning this party way before these comments were made.”

Cox told WND that after last Friday’s party, Bundy began asking why it was that not many blacks or Latinos were present. So the controversial rancher met with some of the minorities in the community on Monday or Tuesday, she said, to reach out to them and invite them to today’s party.

WND managing editor David Kupelian attacked Harry Reid for calling on Republicans to “show a united front against this kind of hateful, dangerous extremism by publicly condemning Bundy.”

Kupelian accused Reid of employing Communist Party tactics by using the phrase “unite front,” warning that the Senate Majority Leader wants “to provoke a war with some rightwing ‘domestic terrorists.’”

“National Republican leaders could help show a united front against this kind of hateful, dangerous extremism by publicly condemning Bundy.”

“United front.” Where have I heard that term before?

Oh yes, it’s leftwing code, which even Wikipedia accurately deciphers:

The united front is a form of struggle or political organization that may be carried out by revolutionaries or communist political regimes. The basic theory of the united front tactic was first developed by the Comintern, an international communist organization created by communists in the wake of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

According to the thesis of the 1922 4th World Congress of the Comintern: “The united front tactic is simply an initiative whereby the Communists propose to join with all workers belonging to other parties and groups and all unaligned workers in a common struggle to defend the immediate, basic interests of the working class against the bourgeoisie.”

The united front allowed workers committed to the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism to struggle alongside non-revolutionary workers. Through these common struggles revolutionaries sought to win other workers to revolutionary socialism.

OK Harry, we get the message. It’s important for even the hated Republicans, whom you revile daily, to join in your “united front” against the rancher in your state who is disputing his grazing fees on constitutional grounds. Ever hear of civil disobedience? It’s how the Civil Rights Movement of the ‘60s was won.

You, Sen. Reid, have been a major player in harming the nation that has so graciously given you wealth, power, fame and comfort – particularly through your role in dismantling the world’s best healthcare system – but now, with our nation and world aflame, old Clive Bundy is the one with whom you are most obsessed.

Could it be that, deep down in their conniving, progressive brains, leftists like Reid kind of want to provoke a war with some rightwing “domestic terrorists”?

I hope – I pray – restraint will win out, and the situation resolve peacefully, and with finality.