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WND: Common Core Turning US Into Nazi Germany

WorldNetDaily commentator Patrice Lewis is fearful that Common Core, with its “brainwashing” and “indoctrination techniques,” is bringing Nazism to America.

According to Lewis, a biology teacher she heard about from a friend is telling her students to “sing a song praising Common Core,” which makes the teacher just like Hitler.

Lewis adds that a public school is like a totalitarian “jail” that turns students into “zombies.”

Some friends came to us this week, troubled, to ask our advice. It seems their youngest son came home from school on Monday and asked – begged – to be homeschooled.

His request has been a recurrent theme during the past few months, but it took on a particular urgency on Monday when his biology teacher required all the students to sing a song praising Common Core.

I should add that this boy isn’t 6 years old. He’s 16. He and his classmates are long past the age of being amused by peppy propaganda songs. And our friend’s son, thanks to the vigilance of his parents, knew that what he was experiencing was nothing short of brainwashing. So his request to homeschool took on a much more serious tone. His parents came over to discuss the subject.

While the federalizing of public schools has been going on for decades, the rapid push to capture our children has taken on a sense of urgency in the last few years. The government doesn’t just want our children’s bodies; it particularly wants their minds. If Nazi German taught us nothing else, it taught us this: Children are the currency of tyrants.

It’s worth remembering that when people objected to joining the Nazi Party, Hitler gave a verbal shrug and assured them that their membership wasn’t necessary since he already had their children. “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future,” he famously said.

And let’s not forget that eerie sentiment from “Mein Kampf”: “The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”

No one can dispute the effectiveness of these youthful indoctrination techniques. Forget trying to change the mind of older people – they’re too set in their ways. But the children – aah, they’re the hope of the future. It is critical that the minds of children be captured.

Remember, follow the money. If schools are government-funded, then logically only government-approved attitudes and behaviors will be permitted. Students (and by extension, their families) must be tracked to make sure everyone falls within acceptable boundaries of thought and behavior. Dissenting opinions will be made known to officials, and corrective measures can be taken. I’m beginning to think the Planet Camazotz (with the megalomaniac “IT”) from “A Wrinkle in Time” was astoundingly prescient.

Are you freaked out yet? I know our friends are. That’s why they will soon be homeschooling their youngest son.

I can’t emphasize strongly enough the need to reject government education, if at all possible. It is your duty as a parent to raise children, not zombies. You’re raising the hope of the future, not its doom. It’s time to look outside the jail cell and see what educational alternatives you can find for your kids. Almost anything is better than putting them in prison for eight hours a day.

Don’t forget: Children are the currency of tyrants. You can see the evidence right in front of you. The government already takes too much of your income. Tell it to get its hands off your legacy.