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WND Columnist Links Gay Rights To Rise Of ISIS

Becoming the latest far-right pundit to sympathize with the grievances of extremist groups like ISIS, Mychal Massie of WorldNetDaily writes today that he understands why ISIS is no fan of the U.S. because gay rights, legal abortion and immigration reform have all emboldened militants and paved the way for America's demise.

"They view America in light of what she supports— and let there be not one doubt that these pagans understand that the homologation of same-sex marriage, sodomy, the wholesale slaughter of 54 million unborn children, weak politically correct officials, ad nauseum are not the qualities of the enlightened; they are the traits of the damned," he said.

"[T]hey openly cheer our downfall as corrupt politicians like George W. Bush, John Boehner, et al. are eagerly willing to reward illegals with full rights and citizenship – which means whether by outright attacks or attrition, they are positioned to do untold harm to America."

ISIS and the other Muslim threats are rabid followers of a false prophet (Muhammad) and a false god (Allah), but they are zealots in their service to their pagan beliefs. They view America in light of what she supports – and let there be not one doubt that these pagans understand that the homologation of same-sex marriage, sodomy, the wholesale slaughter of 54 million unborn children, weak politically correct officials, ad nauseum are not the qualities of the enlightened; they are the traits of the damned.

There was a time America prided herself on a belief in God. There was a time our government acted in accordance with the summum bonum of the people she was created to serve. Today such beliefs are scoffed at. There was a time that when America went to war, the oppressed and threatened in the world sighed a breath of relief, because they knew the God of America would vindicate them. Ask the French, Great Britain or the other European countries to whose aid America came.

But today the media controls our battles, not the generals. Weak ineffectual leaders like Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Obama have shown our Islamic enemies that America talks but doesn’t act. Globalists like George W. Bush have shown the enemy that America’s borders are nothing more than lines on paper. And they openly cheer our downfall as corrupt politicians like George W. Bush, John Boehner, et al. are eagerly willing to reward illegals with full rights and citizenship – which means whether by outright attacks or attrition, they are positioned to do untold harm to America.

America is similar to a skeletal structure waiting for a strong wind to cause it to fall, and that strong wind may well be ISIS and/or some other vulgar derivation of their genus. If (or probably more likely when) ISIS decides to make good on their promise to plant their flags on American soil, what will our so-called leadership do? Look back on the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks of 9/11 and consider how quickly America went from waving flags to cursing and blaming and posturing for political gain. Consider how the media undermined the effort then and how they ignore the threat today.