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William Murray Blames Paris Attacks On Selfish European Women Who Aren't Having Children

William Murray, chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition and founder of the Government Is Not God PAC, was a guest on Gordon Klingenschmitt's "Pray In Jesus Name" program today, where he was asked to share his "expertise" on last week's terrorist attacks in Paris.

As Murray explained it, such attacks should not come as a surprise since France and Europe as a whole have been "overrun" by Muslims because European women are too selfish and short-sighted to dedicate their lives to having children.

"Here is the core issue," Murray stated, "Europe has been importing hundreds of thousands of Muslims because the women of Europe don't want to have children. They want to play, they want to have fun, they want to go on long vacations, they want to have money, they want to have cars, they want to have nice apartments, they're secularly motivated, the church is almost dead in Europe ... They don't believe that the propagation of the species is the most important thing that they're here for, they think that the most important thing that they're here for are the secular reasons, to have fun. That's what they believe they're on earth for, to spend money and to have fun. So they're importing these hundreds of thousands of Muslims in in order to work because they simply don't have children."