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William Gheen: 'Roots' Remake Part Of Globalist Plot to Spark Anti-White Violence

William Gheen, the head of the fringe anti-immigrant group Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC), told WorldNetDaily yesterday that the remake of the famous 1977 miniseries “Roots” that aired over Memorial Day weekend is part of a globalist plot to “agitate black voters into voting for Democrats” and spark anti-white violence.

“We are under attack,” he said. “The enemy is here. And they are springing a trap from within.”

Gheen said it’s also “no coincidence” that the remake of the 1970s movie “Roots” was released Memorial Day weekend for summer showing.

“In the new interpretation of the novel they removed any remaining positive roles by white Americans and released it on Memorial Day in the run up to the election to agitate black voters into voting for Democrats and/or for violence if needed,” he said.


Gheen says it’s the same global factions who were behind the creation of the European Union that are now pushing for violent uprisings in the U.S. and to push the nation over the edge into chaos and, they hope, a new social order.

“They hate the United States and its Judeo-Christian heritage, our Constitution, our gun rights, this is all considered remnants of a white male-dominated, colonial civilization that they want destroyed irrevocably,” Gheen said. “It’s a demographic form of genocide which they believe will have no resurgence in history.”

“And this is going to be the summer of blood. I believe the now-documented spike in violent crime rates in our major cities, and the fact our FBI director ties it to Ferguson, and the unprecedented wave of illegal immigration, and rising death rates for middle-aged whites, all point, these are not random coincidences, all the arrows point in the same direction and all the trails lead back to all the usual suspects. We are under attack. The enemy is here. And they are springing a trap from within.

“Complete civil disorder is now a good probability in the hot summer of 2016,” he added. “We are in a type of national survival twilight zone and anything could happen and a lot of the potential outcomes involve a lot of people being hurt. We want to stand on the side of those who promote American civil liberties and against those who are promoting this coordinated attack, that is going hot, from a sneaky cold-war kind of thing to a hot kind of thing, and we definitely want to pray for the safety and well-being of all Americans out there of every race and walk of life that are loyal to the Constitution.”