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William Gheen: Obama Wants ISIS To Attack US So He Can Win Election, Impose Dictatorship

William Gheen of the anti-immigrant Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC) told WorldNetDaily yesterday that undocumented immigrants are a greater threat to America than ISIS, but that President Obama will still encourage ISIS to attack America so that his party wins the upcoming elections and he can impose a dictatorship.

Gheen echoed the recent comments of Pat Buchanan, who said on the Laura Ingraham show that Democratic-voting immigrants are a greater threat to the country than ISIS terrorists.

Gheen also told WND that Mexico’s efforts to stop the influx of Central American child migrants to the southern U.S. border are in fact part of a plot to provide political cover for Obama until after the elections.

William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration or ALIPAC, also said he believes concerns about ISIS overseas pale in comparison to the threat of rampant illegal immigration. He did not hear the Buchanan interview but made similar statements Monday to WND.

“ISIS could cut off the heads of journalists once a month for the next five years and that’s not going to destroy America, but Obama’s pumping of illegal immigrants into the country will,” Gheen said.

He said the Obama administration was “going into full stealth mode” to continue its open-borders policy as quietly as possible, and may even give the impression to some on the left that it is abandoning its commitment to “comprehensive immigration reform,” which is a euphemism for amnesty. The progressives will shout and scream that Obama is backing away from his pledge to grant amnesty by delaying the inevitable, but this is all political theater, in Gheen’s eyes.

“The only thing I believe that will stop Obama’s next window of completing the dictatorship plans is if there is a massive sweep of conservatives at the election polls in November that outdoes the historic shift of 2010,” Gheen said.

He said Obama is going “deep underground” with unmarked vans full of illegals being transported into the interior of the country. The administration has enlisted the help of various progressive groups, paying nonprofits, faith-based charities and private individuals to resettle the unaccompanied minor children in cities across the U.S.

“These individuals and groups can receive up to $10,000 a month to provide housing facilities and other aid,” Gheen said. “Obama has gone into full stealth mode.”

The government of Mexico is on board, helping to shield the operation, Gheen said, citing recent articles, including one by the Associated Press, that explain how Mexico is cracking down on undocumented Central Americans heading to its border with the U.S.

Mexico has also set up moving roadblocks, checking the documents of passengers on interstate buses.

“Mexico, also a partner in the planned North America Union, has taken steps to stem the flow of illegals until after the election,” Gheen said. “They’ve cleared the Beast (freight train) of illegals. They’re aware of the backlash and they’re trying to turn off that flow for now, until we get past the election.”

Gheen believes the news about the ISIS terrorist group’s atrocities in the Middle East also helps Obama and the congressional incumbents.

“If you look at history, the unfortunate result of terrorist threats and attacks has been to favor incumbents in Washington,” he said. “The American public’s prior reactions to terror threats and acts has been to support incumbents. There is a psychological theory that when citizens feel threatened they will instinctively cling to the devil they know, to the people in power that are familiar to them.

“Which means the Obama administration now has a political incentive for ISIS to threaten or actually carry out attacks because the precedent is that the people will reward you with more power and more money, which is what we did after 9/11, so when I see all this publicity of ISIS chopping off heads, I see it as political theater, I see it as psychological operations and attempts to manipulate the American public in the mid-term election cycle. It benefits all incumbents but because the Democrats control the Senate and White House it benefits them the most.”