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Wiles: We Are The 'Mainstream' While Liberals 'Are The Radicals'

Conservative activists were up in arms last week when Judicial Watch obtained a Defense Department guide on extremism [PDF] which listed the Southern Poverty Law Center under a section called “optional reading” and that said that some people may have considered the Founding Fathers to be extremists. Of course, fighting to secede from the British crown and establishing a republic may well have been considered extreme for its time, especially from the British perspective, but right-wing commentators interpreted the memo as arguing that the Founders were extremists who should be shunned.

When Rick Wiles hosted Ron Crews of the Chaplains Alliance for Religious Liberty yesterday to discuss the material, they concluded that the SPLC must have designed the memo itself.

“According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, we’re the bad guys, we’re the extremists and we need to be rooted out,” Crews alleged.

“An extremist is anybody who does not believe the socialist-communist-revolutionary garbage that’s espoused by the Southern Poverty Law Center,” Wiles charged. “And if you don’t agree with their extremist viewpoint you’re the extremist when actually the rest of us are mainstream and they are the radicals.”

That’s right.

Rick Wiles, who believes that Obama is a genocidal, demonic, Antichrist figure and that the Illuminati carried out the 9/11 attacks, considers himself to be “mainstream” and the SPLC to be “radical.”