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Wiles: God Will Collapse US Economy As Judgment For Planned Parenthood 'Devil-Worship'

Unhinged conspiracy theorist and End-Times prophet Rick Wiles scored an interview on Tuesday with David Daleiden, the anti-abortion activist who created last year’s series of videos that baselessly claimed that Planned Parenthood sells “baby parts” for profit.

After his conversation with Daleiden, Wiles naturally concluded that God will destroy America as punishment for Planned Parenthood’s “human sacrifice” to Lucifer.

“There are certain issues in this country that the establishment will go to war to defend,” Wiles told his cohost Doc Burkhart. “Baby-killing is one of them. Homosexuality is another one. Sexual perversion is another one.”

Abortion providers, he said, aren’t just mistaken — they are worshipping Satan. “Make no mistake about it, it is the human sacrifice to Satan,” he said. “They are sacrificing babies to Lucifer. It’s not just unsaved people, bad people, that we’re dealing with. They’re Luciferian devil-worshippers. The abortion mills are blood-sacrifice centers. They are sacrificing children to Baal.”

America, he warned, will be wiped out just like our Baal-worshipping Old Testament predecessors.

Later in the program, Wiles discussed the news that the U.S. Treasury had Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> revealed the amount of the nation’s debt that Saudi Arabia holds, which Wiles predicted was a precursor to Saudi Arabia unpegging its currency from the U.S. dollar. He then found a way to tie it all back to Planned Parenthood.

“What is the connection to baby parts?” he asked. “It’s judgment. It’s judgment. A massive collapse of the U.S. economic system will shut down Planned Parenthood. That’s it. Who’s buying baby parts then?”

If Saudi Arabia unpegs from the dollar, he said, “the whole country, it’s toast, it’s over. The financial system is wiped out.” He added that there would then be the “possibility of world war.”