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Who Is Behind The Truckers Ride For The Constitution?

On last night's broadcast, Glenn Beck interviewed a woman named Zeeda Andrews, who is organizing something called a Truckers Ride For The Constitution in which thousands of truck drivers plan to descend on Washington, DC and grind traffic to a halt in order to "restore our Constitutional Republic" and demand President Obama's impeachment:

Earlier this week, the event made news when one of the participants said they would also demand the "arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office," but that threat was quickly disavowed by event spokesman Peter Santilli:

Conlon's comments infuriated Peter Santilli, an online radio host who is not a trucker. Santilli is hosting a parallel rally in California and will not be joining the D.C. protest, but he's acting as a spokesman for an umbrella of nationwide rallies called "Truckers Ride for the Constitution."

Rather than seeking the arrest of lawmakers, Santilli told U.S. News in an email, "we are asking [congressmen] to voluntarily resign if they refuse to accept our peaceful demands to follow the U.S. Constitution and the law. If they refuse to follow the law, we the people will bring the free-market economy to a halt... If it results in a major traffic jam as we saw in Egypt – so be it."

Santilli says truckers and other participants will ask for the impeachment of President Barack Obama, but it's unlawful, he says, for truckers to "arrest" congressmen and he says it would be unsafe for truckers to turn I-495 into a parking lot.

If the name Peter Santilli sounds familiar, that is because he is the radio host who, earlier this year, called for Hillary Clinton to be shot in the vagina:

How about Hillary Clinton? That frickin' assbag has not only been involved in drug trafficking out of Mena, Arkansas, okay? Not only that; and all these people try to have this plausible deniability thing, yeah sure, they're removed, they're just a bunch of politicians. Well, guess where they got all of the money to acquire the power that they have?

This 'C U Next Tuesday,' Hillary Clinton, has been involved in the killings of American troops.  Namely, the mysterious suicide of the emotionally unstable Navy SEAL commander who just so happened to be involved in all of her dealings in the Middle East, okay.  And he just mysteriously got suicided along with everyone else associated with the Clinton family. Miss Hillary Clinton needs to be convicted, she needs to be tried, convicted and shot in the vagina. I wanna pull the trigger. That 'C U Next Tuesday' has killed human beings that are in our ranks of our service.

I want to remind you that in Benghazi, Miss Hillary 'the fricken' biggest vagina on the face of the planet' told troops to stand down and to not go in and interfere with the operation that they set up because they're moving arms; Barack Obama is moving drugs through the CIA out of Afghanistan and Barack Obama needs to be tried, convicted, and shot for crimes against the United States of America. And if anybody has a problem with that, then you are an enemy of our state.


I want to shoot [Clinton] right in the vagina and I don't want her to die right away; I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say 'on behalf of all Americans that you've killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS,' ... the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama bin Laden thing, that whole fake scenario - because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all - on behalf of all of those people, I'm supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.

Andrews has hosted several "Ride For The Constitution" radio programs on the Guerrilla Media Network, which is also the home of Santilli's radio program and, in fact, Santilli co-hosted the very first episode of Andrews' broadcast:

Think about that: Glenn Beck has endorsed and is helping to promote an event that has someone who has demanded the Hillary Clinton be shot in the vagina serving as its official spokesman.

UPDATE: Media Matters takes a more in-depth look at Andrews' views and they are exactly as crazy as you would expect.