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When Crackpots Attack

It seems as if a gaggle of D-list right-wing activists are now demanding the head of “Human Events” editor Jed Babbin:

Radio host and bestselling author Gregg Jackson and a growing list of other conservative leaders, lawyers and activists are calling on Eagle Publishing to dismiss editor Jed Babbin and take immediate and decisive steps to restore the credibility of Human Events. Among the names widely known in social conservative and pro-life circles are Dr. Ted Baehr, President of Movieguide; Ambassador Alan Keyes, former Reagan appointee and presidential candidate; Dr. William Greene of; Coach Dave Daubenmire, talk show host and author; and Brian Rohrbough, President of American Right to Life.

The editor of what was Ronald Reagan's favorite conservative weekly, Human Events, Babbin only recently admitted in an explosive radio interview that Mitt Romney illegally instituted same-sex "marriage" and $50 government-funded abortions. He now claims that Human Events faithfully reported these facts to their readers, but when asked to support that erroneous claim by citing specific articles in the four years since Romney's illegal orders went into effect, Babbin angrily professed not to remember and abruptly hung up, ending the interview.

On numerous occasions, Jackson and others had gone to great lengths to share Romney's far left wing record with Babbin and other writers at Human Events such as Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh and John Gizzi, but they all chose to suppress Romney's radical record in Massachusetts and in doing so deceived countless conservative readers.

Here is the current list of those demanding Babbin’s firing – how many names do you recognize?  If you said “more than 5,” … well, you did better than me.  If this group of nobodies is the best they can come up with, I don’t think Babbin has much to worry about :

The still growing list of conservative leaders, attorneys, radio talk show hosts and pundits calling for Human Events to dismiss Jed Babbin and chart an authentic conservative course for the future includes the following:

Dr. Ted Baehr, President,
Dr. Alan Keyes, former Reagan ambassador and presidential candidate
Bob Enyart, radio host KLTT-AM, author, former national TV host
Brian Rohrbough, President of American Right to Life
Rev. Earle Fox, Ph.D (Oxford), author, philosopher, president, Road to Emmaus School of Judeo-Christian Apologetics (
Dr. William Greene, President,
"Coach" Dave Daubenmire, founder, Pass The Salt Ministries, talk show host and author
Steve Deace, radio talk show host and author
Tom Hoefling, Chairman, America's Independent Party,
Dr. Scott Lively, President, Abiding Truth Ministries
Dr. Paul Cameron, Chairman, Family Research Institute
Ray Neary, Director, Pro-Life Massachusetts (former President, Massachusetts Citizens for Life)
John O'Gorman, Massachusetts Citizen for Life, Member, Board of Directors 2002-2008
Atty. 'Robert Paine,' author: The Governor's New Clothes: How Mitt Romney Brought Same-Sex Marriage to America
Tricia Erickson, President Angel Pictures, LLC
Dewey L. Crepeau, Esq, Executive Director, A Gift of Hope Adoptions
Bob Denny, Founder, Guardians of the Inheritance
Gregg Jackson, radio talk show host and author of Conservative Comebacks to Liberal Lies
David Jeffers, author of Understanding Evangelicals: A Guide to Jesusland
Kenny Bolton, pastor and radio talk show host of "The Black Conservative"
Joseph L. Langlois, Attorney at Law
Tom Blumer, owner, and Monetary Matters
Kerry Lee Morgan, Esq.,
John Haskins, editor,
Patrick Flynn, Chairman, America's Independent Party of Michigan
Steve Schulin, founder, Maryland Independent Party
Richard Selfridge, Chairman, Constitution Party of Massachusetts
Rev. Michael Carl, Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, CentrePoint News
Ryan Sorba, author, "The Born Gay Hoax" (upcoming)
Dr. Gregory Thompson, Founder, Asleep kNOw More Ministry
Michael Walsh, Chairman, America's Independent Party of Iowa
Judy Zabik, Treasurer, Alan Keyes for President/America's Independent Party

Anyway, the upside of this meaningless posturing is that it gives me an opportunity to share an anecdote I came across a few years ago while reading Lou Canon’s biography of Reagan regarding the fact that “Human Events” was “Ronald Reagan's favorite conservative weekly”:

Reagan liked to clip stories from Human Events and aides waged a long and losing battle to keep the publication out of his hands. On the campaign plane [Mike] Deaver sometimes hid it from him, and Stu Spencer kidded Reagan by saying that if he made mistakes in his speech they wouldn’t let him have his next copy. After Reagan became president he sometimes complained that he couldn’t clip a story out of Human Events without ruining another story on the reverse side. According to one source, this led Dick Darman to jocularly suggest that Reagan be given two subscriptions. During his tenure as White House chief of staff, Ken Duberstein dealt with the problem by reading Human Events articles that Reagan had clipped and returning them to the president with memos that corrected any perceived misstatements.  

Finally, speaking of Reagan, Will Bunch has a new book out called "Tear Down This Myth: How The Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future" that looks pretty interesting.