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'We've Got to Make Them Hurt': Ali Alexander Says Republicans Must Be Willing to 'Jail Democrats'

Overlooking the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, Ali Alexander said, "I don’t disavow this. I do not denounce this." (Screenshot/Twitter)

Far-right activist and so-called “Stop the Steal” leader Ali Alexander appeared Tuesday on a program hosted by far-right streamer Anthime "Tim" Gionet, where he declared that conservatives have to be willing to do whatever it takes to gain political control and then start putting Democrats in jail.

Alexander, who recently openly advocated for Christian fascism and “a violent Christian crusade” against his perceived political opponents, said that the next three months are likely going to be among the top five most important moments in American history.

"It's all about willpower," Alexander said. "Are you willing to set yourself on fire for what you want? To win? And our side has got to be a higher concentration of 'yes.' Right now, [Democrats are] willing to break the Constitution, break the law, imprison prison political prisoners, act like Soviet punks, and do all of that. We have to plus-one that. We have to jail Democrats. We have to censor their asses. We have to make them beg for a peace treaty with us, for an understanding. There's no point in coming to an understanding before we have buy-in from them, so we've got to make them hurt."

Gionet, who goes by the moniker Baked Alaska and faces a variety of legal issues in addition to charges stemming from his involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, readily agreed.

"That's right," Gionet responded. "You said that so well. We have literally gone through hell in these last few years. The political persecution; how the Jan. 6 people have been treated like absolute terrorists—I mean, they literally call us terrorists. Wow, I mean, I'm just looking forward to when I get my bag right, suing the fuck out of CNN and all those pieces of shit, dude. It's terrible what they've done to us, all the income we've lost from being banned from social media, all the relationships. Like, I am ready to go ham on them, but you know, I gotta get my money right, got to finish my legal shit and all that."

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