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West: Norquist And Khan Helping 'Subvert' GOP And America 'From Within'

On Secure Freedom Radio this week, Frank Gaffney promoted a recent letter of support he received from a group of former officials including former congressman Allen West and Family Research Council vice president Jerry Boykin, backing him up in his ongoing feud with the American Conservative Union over whether or not prominent economic conservatives Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan are infiltrating the movement on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Gaffney discussed the letter with anti-Muslim activist Diana West, who agreed that Norquist and Khan represent “the successful civilization jihad of the Muslim Brotherhood,” adding that the United States and the conservative movement are being “subverted from within.”

We are undergoing civilizational change,” she warned, “And I think this letter is a very important step in our education, hopefully before it’s too late.”

Gaffney: Diana, does this underscore the concern that you’ve been expressing about what’s happening in our polity, that we’ve seen not only selective enforcement of the law taking place, but increasingly the successful civilization jihad of the Muslim Brotherhood taking advantage of it to take us down.

West: Absolutely. This is a very significant letter, and congratulations to you on receiving this endorsement, because this is so, so central to your own fight to warn America, to lay out the case that we are being suborned – that’s not the right word – subverted from within. And this becomes an extremely important marker, really a clarion call, to as Americans, as conservatives to examine these issues with a frank and logical eye.

We are being, in a sense, asked to dismantle our survival instincts, the instincts that tell us jihad, that Sharia, that material support, that all of these things that actually are connected are disconnected. And in some ways, much of what we’ve been undergoing is kind of this very notion of deconstructing our understanding of who we are, what we are, and how to stay that way, how to protect ourselves. By divorcing material support from jihad, from divorcing jihad from Sharia, from divorcing Sharia from Islam, from divorcing all of these things from any notion that we are undergoing civilizational change. And I think this letter is a very important step in our education, hopefully before it’s too late.