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Washington Times Pundit Suggests Hillary Clinton Is A Baal Worshiper

Over the weekend, Washington Times columnist Robert Knight criticized Hillary Clinton’s response to the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling by accusing her of wanting to instill in America a “quasi-religious culture of death” which “reflects the religious sensibilities of the priests of Baal and the rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah.”

According to Knight’s unhinged column, Clinton is bent on “the destruction of marriage and the family” and, like President Obama, is a Marxist radical hoping to destroy America.

Her liberal friends at some major corporations have been pushing the quasi-religious culture of death since the 1970s.

Hapless employees have by association aided and abetted Planned Parenthood’s abortion agenda as well as homosexual activism, both of which are anathema to devout Christians and Jews. A number of large corporations have been up to their ears selling hard-core, illegal pornography. The willful embrace of immorality is as clearly a decision with religious significance as is willful adherence to God-given natural law.

Mrs. Clinton has no problem with corporate, religious-inspired activity, providing it reflects the religious sensibilities of the priests of Baal or the rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah.

What about the “bad slippery slope” of an America descending into decadence and moral anarchy? It’s a good bet that, like any thinking leftist, Mrs. Clinton welcomes it. The destruction of marriage and family makes people dependent on government and hence dependent on politicians like her.

What if, as with Mrs. Clinton’s reverential Wellesley dissertation on Marxist community organizer Saul Alinsky, Mr. Obama is a true believer of the left who hates everything that makes America unique? What if he took to heart the leftist bromides from his Muslim father and stepfather, his mother, his grandparents in Hawaii and his self-acknowledged mentor, communist writer Frank Marshall Davis?

What if he were schooled in radical politics by his friend, unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers, and came to believe that if he ever acquired the power to do so, he would show these spoiled Americans a thing or two?

What else rationally explains 5 years of ripping apart the Constitution, economic and foreign-policy disasters, the government takeover of health care, antipathy toward Israel, a slavish devotion to using government to further sexual anarchy, an open-borders policy, and the criminal misuse of the Internal Revenue Service and other federal agencies to try to crush political opponents?

As bad as it has been, we may not have seen the worst.

Mrs. Clinton said she found the Supreme Court’s moment of moral sanity the other day “deeply disturbing.”

It’s nothing she won’t fix pronto if she ever gets the chance.