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Walid Shoebat: The Zika Virus Is 'God's Punishment For Sin'

Writing on his website over the weekend, Walid Shoebat, the supposed ex-terrorist who is now an extremist anti-Muslim and anti-gay activist, declared that the Zika virus is "God’s punishment for sin."

As Shoebat explains it, the world has turned away from God and so God is now "using mosquitos again to punish the world for drugs, promiscuity and faithlessness" in order to "force sinners into repentance":

Just yesterday, the CDC finally admitted we have a very serious problem. It estimates that 25 percent of the population of Puerto Rico will be infected with Zika virus which causes shrinked heads in new-born babies as you see in the photo above.

25% is a huge number.

Is this God’s punishment for sin?

I believe so.

Want biblical evidence do I have for this?

God says throughout the Bible that He can only put up with so much. When God gets angry at times He sends His private armies. In Joel 1-2 it was locusts and in Isaiah 18:1-6 it was mosquitos. Read the verses.

In recent history in the nineteenth century the West finally dealt with the plague of Islam by building massive weapons. God on the other hand pitched in and used locusts to end the Muslim Ottoman plague.

He also used mosquitos to change history when the Americas gained their independence.

Now it seems that He is using mosquitos again to punish the world for drugs, promiscuity and faithlessness.

Most modern Christians have lost touch with the way God operates. They do not understand God and think that He thinks like them. God in the Bible “punishes the fathers upon the children”:

The LORD [is] longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing [the guilty], visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation]. (Numbers 14:18)

It is time people think in reverse and perhaps then they can understand God.

In God’s view such curses to mankind are meant to force sinners into repentance for leaving Him no choice. Most people are oblivious to how God manages sinners. Most modern Christians describe God as an accepting-loving teddy-bear.

He is not.


The sexual revolution which took place in the 1960’s and 70’s opened the door to what is known in modern times as causal sex. But when the fear of God doesn’t stop the trend of having sex without attachment and purely for physical satisfaction or indulgence, then God acts.

So God sends the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. The blood-sucking females are responsible for the spread of dangerous diseases such as yellow and dengue fevers, chikungunya and now Zika.