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Walid Shoebat: Hillary Clinton's Pneumonia Is Really A Sign Of Demonic Possession

Walid Shoebat, the extremist right-wing activist behind the bogus smear of Khizr Khan, is out with a new post explaining what is "really" behind Hillary Clinton's recent bout of pneumonia: demon possession.

As Shoebat explains, Clinton once reportedly held an imaginary conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt and that opened her up to demonic possession which is now manifesting itself as various health problems: 

Houston, according to Clinton, suggested an imaginary meeting between Clinton and the deceased Eleanor Roosevelt. The First Lady duly submitted to the “visioning” and “role-playing” game. Bob Woodward’s book The Choice revealed this exercise publicly in 1996. The New York Post and the Daily News labeled Houston “Hillary’s Guru” and the Boston Herald dubbed her the “First Lady’s Spiritual Adviser”.

So we do not need confirmation from Ripperger to what happens when one dabbles, there are several videos where he explains that no matter what types of channeling people do, the results are similar, where one invites oppression or even demonic possession by participating in only one of these practices.


The election is around the corner. Unless Hillary converts to Christianity, her condition is permanent.

Of course, today’s world cannot admit, all this is simply symptoms of demonic possession or affliction. However one sees this situation, Hillary’s symptoms are crystal clear which has every single element in the combination symptoms she displays. According to Edward Klein’s forthcoming book, Unlikeable — The Problem with Hillary, “political insiders” say Hillary is tired, depressed, and plagued by “blinding headaches,” bouts of insomnia, and “near-fainting spells” on the campaign trail which are kept secret.

All the examples can be found explained by dabblers where psychiatrists simply lump as psychosomatic. The attractions to opening the portal of the demonic realm is everywhere, no matter what label the media slaps or cellophane wrap ancient demonic channeling, people and voters need to beware.