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VDARE Tired of DREAMers' 'Sob Stories,' Fears 'Extinction of White America'

The white nationalist group VDARE is tired of hearing “tearjerkers” about DREAMers, or undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children, and doesn’t want to hear another “sob-story about an illegal alien honor student.” The fact that DREAMers include honor students does not help their case, writes a VDARE columnist who is an “anonymous source inside the Beltway,” as “we already have too many lawyers and too few jobs and do not need another left-wing attorney taking up Affirmative Action spots.”

Barack Hussein Obama really outdid himself during his latest immigration speech. [Remarks by the President on Immigration Reform, June 11, 2013]. In almost every single speech he’s given on immigration, he concludes by giving a sob-story about an illegal alien honor student. However, in his latest speech, he bookended the speech with tearjerkers about two illegal aliens.

While the story of the illegal alien honor student has been trotted out by amnesty proponents for years, it seems like this has been the year of the Honor Student Surge.

I oppose the DREAM Act. Assuming these stories are true, they are not representative of the average DREAMer, and we already have too many lawyers and too few jobs and do not need another left-wing attorney taking up Affirmative Action spots.

VDARE’s Nicholas Stix went one step further, alleging that the “Minority Occupied Government” would use immigration reform to push an anti-white “ethnic cleansing” of the job market and ultimately white “extinction”. He goes on to say that white people will also face discrimination in “anti-white, minority and homosexual/feminist-dominated” academia.

“Younger whites will be increasingly unable to support children,” Stix continues. “With jailbreak-style immigration inflows of legal and illegal non-white immigration and an immigrant baby boom, whites will be even more rapidly rendered a minority…. Just as in South Africa today, whites will find themselves a despised, attacked, and increasingly poor minority in what used to be their country.”

This week, the full U.S. Senate is debating S.744, “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” a.k.a. the Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill. What is at stake is not merely the dispossession of the historic American nation—but its extinction.

The Open Borders Lobby, both “Left” and “Right,” has one implicit theme when it comes to labor and immigration—traditional Americans don't count.

Critically, these government-sponsored invaders will enjoy a host of government-originated privileges and programs denied to actual Americans—especially whites.

Amnestied invaders and their relatives will enjoy Affirmative Action at all skill and educational levels (even South Asians are eligible), along with American blacks. The white American working class will be discriminated against throughout the job market.

Traditional Americans, especially native-born whites, will find themselves under increasing pressure to attend college, even if they have no interest in it, because of this ethnic cleansing of working class jobs. When they graduate, they will be trapped by immense student loan debt. They will then find themselves under pressure to attend graduate school, for yet another worthless degree, requiring even more debt.

If amnestied invaders decide to attend college, they will receive preferential admission and enjoy grade inflation (also here), allowing them to get better jobs than native-born white Americans;

Anti-white discrimination in academia and the culture will be dramatically strengthened. Jobs for professors are notoriously being reduced, as universities chop up formerly full-time teaching jobs into part-time adjunct positions. But also, and much less well-publicized: academia has been on a simultaneous hiring binge, creating well-paid, non-teaching positions in what Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglate call, in their eponymous book, The Shadow University —the anti-white, minority and homosexual/feminist-dominated political fiefdoms like “Student Life” and “Multicultural Services” that are reserved for commissars who are anti-white, anti-intellectual, and of dubious educational attainment.

Question: The overwhelming majority of those millions of white Americans who have been “disappeared” from the unemployment rolls are likely doubled-up with parents, siblings, and other relatives, or have spouses supporting them. But what happens when their parents die—or their relatives can no longer carry them?

Answer: the number of white Americans will dwindle—because they will age and die off, and younger whites will be increasingly unable to support children. (One of whites’ countless shortcomings: their belief that one must be able to support children before having them.) With jailbreak-style immigration inflows of legal and illegal non-white immigration and an immigrant baby boom, whites will be even more rapidly rendered a minority.

According to libertarian fantasy, a high-IQ, qualified, diligent, and law-abiding group, even a minority, should see its job prospects and income increase with Open Borders.

But the reality is that, in a thoroughly politicized economy dominated by plutocrats in alliance with a Minority Occupation Government, jobs and power will be deliberately transferred away from labor to capital and from whites to non-whites for reasons of cheapness and of race.

Just as in South Africa today, whites will find themselves a despised, attacked, and increasingly poor minority in what used to be their country—and no one in the Main Stream Media or the government will lift a voice in their defense.

That's what is at stake with this Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill. It's not just dispossession—it's extinction.