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US Pastor Council Wants Everyone To Know Houston Mayor Annise Parker Is Gay

Back in 2009, Dave Welch of the US Pastor Council took the lead in opposing the campaign of openly gay Houston mayoral candidate Annise Parker but lost, leading Welch to apologize for letting our "position on the wall be breached by the enemy" while declaring Parker's election to be evidence "of cancer of the soul among the people."

So, in case you weren't aware, Welch is not particularly supportive of Parker's sexuality or her role in public office.  And that is why, as the Texas Freedom Network reports, Welch's organization sent out an email announcing a new video aiming to expose Parker's nefarious agenda - a video that consists mostly of footage of Parker talking about equality and gving her partner a kiss on the cheek:

It is astounding to have to say that most Houston citizens – including most Christians and pastors – are still unaware of the radical nature of Mayor Annise Parker’s commitment to imposing the full “San Francisco Style” Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered, etc. agenda. … We have a sin-sick city and we need the power of God through Jesus Christ changing lives and changing City Hall!