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Truth In Action Ministries: Marriage Equality 'Degrades' Country, Threatens Freedoms And Souls

Pastor Michael Milton succeeded the late D. James Kennedy, a founding member of the modern Religious Right movement, as the host of the television show Truth that Transforms, the flagship program of Kennedy’s group Truth In Action Ministries.

In a recent blog post for the group, Milton criticized President Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality as an “extraordinary departure from humanity’s received traditions and biology itself, plus the teachings of the world’s greatest religions and traditions of Western Civilization.”

He warns that “codifying homosexuality into a societal norm is degrading to a people” and leads to “a downward spiral towards judgment.” Milton adds that “manipulative courts or legislatures” pushing gay rights bills are trying to snuff out freedom and jeopardize people’s souls: “The light of the Word will be taken from us. The law will be trampled under. The freedom of the American people is at risk. More than that: our souls are in danger.”

We could not have imagined that Ronald Reagan’s “city on a hill” would ever come to this. Even the current president (and his administration) who is the object of Reverend Owens’ petition, campaigned in 2008 on his belief that marriage was a sacred institution between a man and a woman. Yet a day after North Carolina voters, by an overwhelming majority, passed a constitutional amendment in 2012 protecting the institution of marriage as set out in the Bible, President Obama declared, mysteriously, that his views had “evolved.” The President’s remarkable evolution, which Darwinian scientists would give an arm and a leg to observe in real time, amounted to nothing short of a new set of values allowing for his extraordinary departure from humanity’s received traditions and biology itself, plus the teachings of the world’s greatest religions and traditions of Western Civilization. Now, that is quite an evolution! The problem is, evolution in the scientific world has not been demonstrated and such a claim for evolution in the philosophical world is not to be trusted. We have to believe that (1) the president was insincere, and that he did not believe in the sanctity of marriage in the first place, or (2) he believes in Biblical marriage, but sees no threat to marriage from homosexual relationships sanctioned by the government. Regardless, he has chosen to advance his supposed lux ex tenebris—light out of darkness—at the expense of lux liberates—Light and Liberty. The Bible teaches that codifying homosexuality into a societal norm is degrading to a people (Romans 1:32). It is the opposite of progressive. Such national sin marks a downward spiral towards judgment. In addition, biblical marriage is the law of our land in the vast majority of our states. It is usually overcome, not by the votes of the people, but by manipulative courts or legislatures. This is wrong. The light of the Word will be taken from us. The law will be trampled under. The freedom of the American people is at risk. More than that: our souls are in danger.

The attack on the sanctity of marriage is tantamount to a siege on the city on a hill and is producing a dying of the light. We must pray for broken hearts among our leaders and ask God to forgive us and heal our land. I see no other way out but a God-sent revival. Then will the light that once lit that city on a hill shine again.