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Trump’s ‘Prophets’ Urge God to Control Chris Wallace, Mess With Joe Biden During Presidential Debate

POTUS Shield leaders Frank Amedia and Mark Gonzales filmed their pre-debate prayer video in front of the Supreme Court.

Frank Amedia and Mark Gonzales, two leaders of the dominionist pro-Trump “prophetic” network POTUS Shield, posted a video Monday night urging people to join them in praying that God will interfere with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s performance at Tuesday night’s debate and that God would keep moderator Chris Wallace in line.

Gonzales, a Republican campaign operative, told POTUS Shield’s “prayer warriors” to pray that “confusion would come to the enemy’s camp.” He prayed that God will “rule and reign” over the debate and that it will “give ammunition to the body of Christ” and the conservative movement. Amedia prayed that President Donald Trump’s “taglines”—he mentioned Reagan’s “there you go again”—would land while Biden’s “already rehearsed” taglines would come out as “babble.”

Amedia reassured people that “we have the authority to pray confusion” on Biden. He claimed that Biden had blasphemed God when he said in August that there would be no miracle to save the United States from the COVID-19 pandemic as Trump had suggested. Amedia asked people to start praying one hour before the debate and to pray all the way through it.

Amedia has frequently described a “prophetic” dream in which he saw Trump sinking in quicksand up to his lips until God reached down with his thumb and forefinger and plucked Trump out by his head, flinging him into the air. Amedia has been touting the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg as a “move of God” in fulfillment of his prophecy that God would give Trump three Supreme Court seats to fill in his first term. Amedia has described Ginsburg’s death as the first part of a miraculous “blast” from God that will save Trump’s presidency—and he says there are at least three more “epic” events to come.

Amedia, who has claimed that God told him to create POTUS Shield on the night of Trump’s election victory, told his followers that “the shield needs to step up” for the presidential debate and “activate Heaven” on Trump’s behalf. He asked Gonzales to “give us some principles about how we can pray right now.”

On Monday, Gonzales told POTUS Shield’s prayer warriors that they would be like Aaron and Hur, biblical characters who, during a battle with the Israelites’ enemies, held Moses’ arms up in the air when he got tired, giving power and ultimately victory to the Israelites. In Gonzales’ telling, of course, Trump is Moses:

Yes, we definitely want to be praying, we're gonna become the Aarons and the Hur for the Moses, we're gonna lift up the hands of the President, we're gonna pray over this debate, because we want truth to prevail, because we already know that they're going to try to spew lies out of these debates, OK, to continue to incite lies and not tell the truth of what's going on.

And on our side, there's very few outlets that actually talk truth. So, we need the truth to come forth through the prayer of God's people. And that's what this thing is about. And that's the role that you and I are gonna get to play. So, we're gonna have to be praying that confusion comes to the enemy's camp. …  And who's the enemy? I’m talking—and  I'm not necessarily talking about individuals—I’m talking what’s happening in the cause and the questioning and all the things that are happening, if it's not God's agenda, we want it exposed. And that's what this thing's about. So, from that standpoint, we need to pray. Pray for the president. Pray for the questions.

We know Chris Wallace is going to be doing the questioning. And sometimes he cannot be such a friend, he can actually become a foe. And so, we're just going to pray that God's going to arrest this debate. And we're going to see God's agenda come forth and truth prevail throughout it, and then it's going to spread like wildfire to let people know. So, the scales are come off the eyes of the people because that's one thing we’re praying about, Frank, over and over and over, that the scales are going to come off and people are going to see, regardless of what the left and liberal media tried to do, people are going to see through it to the truth. So we need you to pray that God will undergird our president, will undergird him as he's traveling all over, even leading up to that—the  prep that's taking place, all the things that are leading to that night on Tuesday. Pray with us, as he goes through these, that the right questions, the right answers, and in the right spirit …  because that's also very key. Right? We're always praying that the right thing comes out of his mouth. And so, we just pray. Let's pray. Let’s lift him up, that he'll be clear in mind. That he’ll be saying the right things. That that way, again, our side gets the truth of what's happening, and then it'll spread like wildfire beyond the debates on Tuesday night.

Gonzales continued along these lines, praying that the spin and headlines coming out of the debate will be God’s agenda:

And we're going to see, and you're going to give ammunition, God, to the church. You're going to give ammunition to the body of Christ. And you're going to give ammunition to the conservative movement in America, that they're going to have stories to tell coming out of this debate, God, of the taglines that are going to be “the most pro-life president in the history of America,” “the President has been the friendliest to the church in America,” “the president that's been friendliest to Israel,” God, and the list goes on and on and on. And now the Supreme Court justice.

So, Father, we just thank you and let that reverberate from this debate. And regardless of what the left may try to do, regardless of what the liberal media is going to try to do, we thank you, because you're coming forth with your messages out of this debate, and you're going to be glorified, God, in this nation and over our president and this debate on Tuesday, and you're going to arrest even Chris Wallace, God, if he tries to get out of line, you're going to line him back up, because he's gonna realize somebody [who is]  greater than him is in control of what's happening on Tuesday, in Jesus name, amen.

Amedia also used the video to tout his prophetic credentials and status as a White House insider. He claimed he had been used by God to help Trump prepare for an important speech before AIPAC, the pro-Israel advocacy group, so that Trump would announce the U.S. embassy’s move to Jerusalem. Amedia also claimed that he prophesied the creation of the Space Force. He said Trump has stood up for the church and nominated conservative Supreme Court justices, so that now “we have time to harvest blessings.”

Many of POTUS Shield’s leaders are affiliated with the New Apostolic Reformation, a network of Pentecostal leaders who believe God has empowered modern-day prophets and apostles to transform Christianity and whole nations and help bring about the return of Jesus Christ.

Amedia recently complained about coverage of POTUS Shield by Right Wing Watch and mainstream media that he deemed insufficiently respectful of his record as an “oracle of God.”