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Trump World Favorite Persuader Scott Adams Sees ‘Satanic Coincidences’ in Biden Campaign

Scott Adams poses with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Adams said he was invited to the White House in 2018 after he released a pro-Trump book, “Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter.” (Image Source: Twitter)

Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip and a popular pro-Trump commentator online, is not a religious believer​, but he told followers Tuesday that he couldn’t help but notice how many “satanic coincidences there are with the Joe Biden campaign.”

Adams has appeared on President Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign podcast​, and in 2018, he was invited to meet Trump in the Oval Office.

In a live broadcast ​Tuesday morning, Adams laid out a series of “coincidences” he believed linked the Biden campaign to satanism, including a misquoted remark Biden made during his Democratic National Convention acceptance speech, the fact that Biden has campaigned from home during the ​coronavirus pandemic, Biden’s campaign slogan, and the letters used to spell Biden’s first and last name.

“Joe Biden is in favor of, what he said, ‘Bringing the light to the darkness,’” Adams said. “What is happening as he’s speaking? As he’s speaking and saying, you know, ‘bringing the light to the darkness,’ cities are actually on fire. California is on fire.”

Biden's actual quote was​: "The current president has cloaked America in darkness for much too long. Too much anger. Too much fear. Too much division. Here and now, I give you my word: If you entrust me with the presidency, I will draw on the best of us not the worst. I will be an ally of the light not of the darkness."

“So​, if you’re Satan, wouldn’t you expect that Satan would speak in terms which are true but misleading?” Adams asked rhetorically. “Meaning that he will bring you the light, but there’s a catch: ​It’s fire, and it’s burning your stuff. That’s exactly what Satan would say if Satan existed.”

Adams said he wasn’t meaning to accuse Joe Biden of being possessed by Satan but that “it would look exactly like this” if he were.

“How many people or entities do you know who prefer to live underground? I can think of Satan living in Hell and—who would be another person who loves to live underground? Could it be basement-dwelling Biden?” Adams said. “I only know two people who are famous for living underground. Can you think of even a third one? I don’t think so.”

Adams argued that if there was any proof to be had of the Biden campaign’s ties to satanism, small signs of proof would be “hiding in plain sight.” He pointed to Biden’s slogan, “Build back better.”

“Build back better—BBB. If you were going to imagine ‘666’ and you wanted to show it to people and disguise it at the same time, can you think of any letter that the numeral six would fit inside completely? Only capital B,” Adams said.

Even Joe Biden’s name, Adams said, has a satanic coincidence.

“Did you know if you took the capital letter J—just imagine the capital letter J in your mind—now think of the next letter in ‘Joe.’ It’s an O. Now just move with your mind the O to the left until it’s on top of the J. It’s a backward six,” Adams said. “Now suppose the next letter is the lowercase E. What does a lowercase E look like if you turn it upside down? Well, it looks like a six.”

He continued, “So you’ve got the J and O together. If you combine them it looks like a backward six. You’ve got this lowercase E that looks like an upside-down six, but that’s just two sixes. Six​, six wouldn’t mean anything, right? But the next letter is capital B for Biden, and capital B is where you hide your six. So even J-O-E-B is 666.”

He surmised that the letters I, D, E, and N left in Biden’s last name is short for “identity.”

“666 identity. That’s what Joe Biden’s name actually is,” Adams said.

Adams also roped in vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris into his theory. He argued because Harris’ first and last names both have six letters and that she is running for “Vice President of the United States”—a title made of six words—that three sixes were present in her inclusion in the campaign.

“I’m just putting that out there,” Adams said.