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Trump Transition Official: Sessions The Victim Of ‘Anti-White, Anti-Southern Racist Obsession’

Ken Blackwell (Flickr/Gage Skidmore)

Ken Blackwell, a Family Research Council official who is serving as the top domestic policy official with President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team, defended Trump’s attorney general nominee, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, in a Washington Times op-ed on Tuesday, claiming that media scrutiny of Sessions’ civil rights record is the product of “anti-white, anti-southern” racism. Following up on the piece in a Breitbart News interview this morning, Blackwell claimed that progressives are only criticizing Sessions to advance their goal of “voters without borders.”

In a Washington Times piece titled “A media noose for Jeff Sessions: He’s a white son of the South and that’s enough to justify a lynching,” Blackwell attacked Washington Post and Los Angeles Times reporting on Sessions, which he blamed on the fact that “someone, somewhere, deep down doesn’t believe a white man from Alabama should be the attorney general of the United States”:

There’s only one reason why large news organizations invest so much time, energy and money — they sent reporters to Alabama, each of whom spent a week there — to do these biased stories, and it’s time someone said what it is. The reason is because someone, somewhere, deep down doesn’t believe a white man from Alabama should be the attorney general of the United States.

That’s every bit as racist as saying a black man from Chicago shouldn’t be president of the United States.

The anti-white, anti-southern racist obsession with which media organizations have pursued Mr. Sessions is a sign they have learned nothing from the presidential campaign, where we all witnessed their all-out opposition to Donald Trump. There has been no reflection in editorial board meetings, much less in the newsrooms. If there were any, these stories would provide the public with the full picture they deserve of the man who is likely going to be their next attorney general — the highest-ranking law enforcement officer in the country.

On this morning’s “Breitbart News Daily” radio program, Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam asked Blackwell if the media scrutiny of the attorney general nominee’s record is “discrimination against Sen. Sessions.”

“This is an all-out political attack,” Blackwell responded, “this is an effort to mis-define Jeff Sessions in a way that they can destroy him, they can marginalize him. Even if they don’t have the numbers to stop his nomination, they want to create an image of him that is false that they can, in fact, use to justify their continuous attack on the rule of law, their continuous advancement of a country without borders and voters without borders so that they have some sort of retention of a political advantage in upcoming years. And that’s what this is all about. This is pure and simple the Borking of Jeff Sessions.”