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Trump Says He'd Consider Carson As VP: 'We Get Along Very Well'

Donald Trump joined conservative Florida talk radio host Joyce Kaufman yesterday to talk about his presidential candidacy, where he said he would be open to forming a joint ticket with his Republican rival Ben Carson, boasting of his “amazing” relationship with women and Latinos, and wondering why Syrian refugees aren’t “back fighting for their country.”

Kaufman — a controversial radio host who once suggested hanging undocumented immigrants who commit crimes — could barely contain her love for Trump, joking that she and her friend Ann Coulter “have slumber parties” where they listen to Trump’s speeches. Trump, in turn, said Coulter “is fantastic, she’s been so supportive and I appreciate it, she’s been great.”

When Kaufman asked if Trump would consider forming her dream Trump-Carson ticket if he won the Republican nomination, Trump was open to the idea. “Well, we get along very well,” he said. “We get along very well and he seems to be in second place compared to these politicians, you know, the all-talk, no-action politicians. So the relationship has been very, very good, very strong, but with that being said, it’s just too early, we have to see how it all pans out.”

Kaufman, who is of Puerto Rican descent, told Trump that there are “an inordinate number of Hispanic women who are absolutely enthralled” with him, adding, “I don’t know how anyone could say that you’re against women when every woman who gets close to you becomes a millionaire.”

“Well, I’ve employed tremendous numbers at the highest positions,” Trump said. “Even right now I probably have more than virtually anybody in terms of high positions. And, you know, my relationship with women has been amazing and I have great respect for women and I will be doing things for women’s health issues, which is a very big subject, and I’ll be doing things that nobody else is going to be able to do.”

“And I get along great with the Hispanics,” he added. “You know, I have thousands of Hispanics that work for me and they’re great people, amazing people.”

The two also discussed Trump’s plan to build a wall along the southern border, which he said “works big-league” and resistance to resettling refugees from the Syrian civil war.

Apparently referring to migrants in Europe, Trump said, “I don’t know if you’ve seen this migration but a lot of young, strong, men, they look like why aren’t they back fighting for their country.”