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Trump Says He Doesn’t Know Jerome Corsi (He Does)

Infowars Washington bureau chief Jerome Corsi speaks at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on April 10, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt/Right Wing Watch)

President Donald Trump claimed this morning that he does not know conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi, which is odd considering that the two are reported to have a joint defense agreement.

Corsi has found himself in the sights of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into suspected election interference in the 2016 election by agents of the Russian government; Mueller’s interest stems from Corsi’s communications with longtime Trump political adviser Roger Stone about WikiLeaks’ release of John Podesta’s emails during the campaign. Corsi recently filed a formal complaint, with the assistance of fellow conspiracy theorist and attorney Larry Klayman, against Mueller’s office alleging that Mueller's team attempted to pressure him to admit that he lied about how he obtained information regarding the release of the emails.

The Mueller investigation is moving closer to Trump’s inner circle, inspiring a late night stream of messages from the president on his Twitter feed. In one message, Trump jeered, in a tweet posted this morning, at a member of Mueller’s team who is dealing with Corsi, writing: “[W]asn’t the woman in charge of prosecuting Jerome Corsi (who I do not know) in charge of 'legal' at the corrupt Clinton Foundation? A total Witch Hunt…”

But Trump does know Corsi. In fact, The Daily Beast confirmed with Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani that Trump and Corsi have a verbally agreed upon joint defense agreement in regard to the Mueller investigation. Trump’s relationship with Corsi dating back to 2011, when Trump and Corsi reportedly talked about the supposed illegitimacy of then-President Barack Obama’s birth certificate. In 2012, Trump tweeted a link to an article written by Corsi that falsely claimed that Obama wears an Islamic wedding ring.

And in more recent years, Corsi and his associates have made repeated claims about their supposedly close proximity to the White House.