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Trump ‘Prayer Warriors’ Tell Him Not to ‘Give Up or Step Down’

Kris Kubal led Intercessors for America's Dec. 22, 2020 webcast.

Intercessors for America, a group of pro-Trump “prayer warriors” that is closely aligned with White House aide Paula White’s One Voice Prayer Movement, is urging President Donald Trump not to acknowledge Joe Biden’s victory, telling Trump, “If you will not back down, neither will we.”

“PLEASE do not give up or step down,” declares an open letter published by IFA Tuesday. “We voted you into office and we need you to stay. If you will not back down, neither will we.”

IFA is also urging people to send a message to state leaders asking them to rescind their election certifications. IFA’s call to action said, “This election needs not only fervent and consistent prayer, but, as patriots, we need to take action as well. We are seeing our nation slipping away, stolen with fraudulent voting processes. It is up to ‘we the people” to demand our government govern rightly.”

The same newsletter promoting the open letter to Trump and the call to action also included an article reprinted from the right-wing Gateway Pundit which quoted Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne complaining that Trump is surrounded by “mendacious mediocrities” and is being “terribly served” by advisers encouraging him to accept defeat.

A Tuesday afternoon prayer call hosted by Kris Kubal, wife of IFA leader Dave Kubal, urged IFA’s “intercessors” to pray intensively between now and Jan. 6, the day Congress formally receives Electoral College votes. Trump supporters are working hard to get right-wing members of Congress to object to the electoral votes from swing states won by Biden.

Among the many “prayer points” Kris Kubal offered were:

  • Pray for Wisconsin, Georgia, and Arizona, the three states she said were most likely to flip.
  • Praying for the members of Congress—“God bless them”—who are willing to object to the electors.
  • Pray by name for lawyers seeking to overturn the election on Trump’s behalf, including Rudy Giuliani, Jenna Ellis, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood. Powell and Wood have both called on Trump to invoke martial law rather than concede defeat.
  • Pray for Trump’s protection and strength. Kubal recounted a dream she said God sent one of IFA’s contributing writers, in which Trump was alone in the White House bedroom and drank a glass of water that had been poisoned.
  • Pray for “bravery” for Supreme Court justices to “do what is right for law and order and truth and justice.”

Many right-wing political leaders and religious-right activists continue to falsely tell Trump that he won the election and urge him to refuse to admit defeat.