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Trump Prayer Warriors Push Barr Spin on IG Report

Dave Kubal heads Intercessors for America.

Intercessors for America, an “intercessory prayer” group that promotes President Donald Trump and other conservative political candidates, sent its prayer warriors a prayer guide Wednesday morning on the report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday.

While the inspector general’s report “did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation” influenced the FBI’s decision to open the investigation into Russia’s efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, Attorney General William Barr has focused on errors made by FBI officials identified in the report and has spun the findings to support the Trump administration’s bogus talking points. IFA’s prayer guide does the same, highlighting Barr’s charges that law enforcement and intelligence agencies were used to “spy” on Trump’s presidential campaign in an effort to affect the outcome of the election.

Claiming that the report has confirmed Rep. Devin Nunes’ charges about the FBI investigation, the prayer guide declares the Republican lawmaker among the “winners” from the report. It urges people to pray “that those who acted unlawfully will be held accountable” and that violations listed in the report “are made public and not hidden.” The prayer guide also urges people to pray “for a return to integrity for our intelligence, justice, and investigatory agencies.”