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Trump Faith Adviser To Alabamians: Be One Of ‘God’s Deplorables’ And Vote For Roy Moore

Suspended Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore. Image from WKRG Channel 5, Montgomery, Alabama.


Former Donald Trump campaign adviser Frank Amedia sent a video message to his “brothers and sisters of the Christian faith” in Alabama last week urging them to be “God’s deplorables” and vote for Roy Moore in Tuesday’s U.S. Senate election. “We need to make sure that we get at least two more Supreme Court justices appointed that have conservative Christian values on the court,” Amedia said.

Amedia founded and heads POTUS Shield, a network of dominionist “apostles” and “prophets” who believe Trump was divinely anointed to bring America back to God and speed the return of Christ to earth. In his new video, Amedia told Alabama Christians that Moore is needed to continue the “reformation” that began with Trump’s election.

Spiritual revival is important, Amedia said, but it’s only a first step toward returning America to God and abolishing abortion, same-sex marriage, and “transgender bathrooms.”

“Reformation is that which occurs as we occupy those areas that God gives us and makes a way for us to take authority in,” he said. And, he added, there’s a lot of “authority” vested in the Senate seat Moore is seeking.

Amedia told Alabamians that their choice is clear. Moore, he said, “is biblically based with very conservative Christian values and doctrines.” Jones portrays himself as a moderate while being “a leftist liberal,” Amedia said, but being a moderate shouldn’t be appealing to Christians anyway, because “moderation doesn’t really have a place in our Christian doctrinal standards.”

Amedia didn’t explicitly address the truthfulness of the allegations that Moore preyed on and molested teenage girls while in his 30s, but he said the timing of the allegations was suspect and charged that the “stuff” was being exposed by “the forces that would fight against reformation and change and our Christian values.”

And in an echo of the religious justifications that Amedia and others gave for voting for Trump in spite of his abundant character flaws, Amedia said that Moore isn’t perfect, but neither were Moses, Abraham Lincoln or Martin Luther King Jr. They were all “imperfect vessels” who were used by God to deliver his “perfect message,” Amedia said.

Speaking of Trump, Amedia said, “God did raise him up to give us an opportunity and a window by which we can cry out for Christian justice and morality in this nation again.” Electing Moore would continue that change, he said, urging people to “be bold” and “give us somebody in the Senate who’s already proven he’s willing to pay the price to speak the voice of God.”