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Trump Faith Adviser: Donald Trump Is On God's Side

Don and Mary Colbert, who run a Florida business called Divine Health, spoke with televangelist Jim Bakker on Monday about Don's role as a member of Donald Trump's faith advisory council. Last month, both Colberts joined a group of "Christian leaders" organized by the Trump campaign that urged Hillary Clinton “to immediately apologize for the Christophobic behavior of her associates."

Don Colbert, who in a previous appearance on Bakker's program said that the "spirit of Antichrist is majorly" in Clinton, told viewers to help get Trump "across the finish line because we want to have a Christian nation. And church, it's now or never."

"Donald Trump is on God's side," he added, claiming that televangelist James Robison met with Trump last year "and led him to Jesus and he literally bowed his head, accepted Jesus into his heart, repented of his sins and he's been a changed man."

Trump himself has said that he has never once asked God for forgiveness and that he is a lifelong Presbyterian and "great Christian."

The Colberts claimed that Trump asked God to forgive him for his statements on a recently unearthed recording in which he boasted of being able to sexually assault women.

Now, Mary Colbert said, Trump is facing demonic attacks: "Satan is the accuser of the brethren. What's going on right now is Donald Trump exudes a strength that the church is not familiar with and a tenacity and a fearlessness. He doesn't care who thinks what and we're not used to that. He has a strength about him and the enemy wants to push him back, cause him to cow over and go, 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,' so that the strength that we all admire, we will see him as a weak man, and that's the strategy of the enemy."

Don laughably interjected: "Another great thing that I admire about Donald Trump: He does not lie. He's not a liar."