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Totally Stable Jim Garrow Is Angry That We're Making Him Look 'Crazy'

Right-wing activist Jim Garrow took to Facebook today to call President Obama “The History Retard” and “one sick puppy” who displays “evidence of the psychological effects of malignant narcissism.”

The History Retard: When some one [sic] might say that the President has neither a good grasp on reality nor a good grasp on history they would be making an understatement on a grand scale. What is sad for America is that Mr. Obama is so isolated from criticism that when he puts on full display for the world his very poor understanding of real history no one steps up and corrects him. This President has no clue and presents it sincerely and with aplomb, its [sic] just too bad that he is putting forward clear evidence of the psychological effects of malignant narcissism. This is one sick puppy.

- Dr. Jim Garrow

Garrow’s post was prompted by a Daily Caller article from Obama heckler Neil Munro, who badly distorts Obama’s comments on anti-Semitism and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In an interview with Erik Rush last week, Garrow argued that Right Wing Watch follows Saul Alinsky’s thirteen “rules for radicals” in an attempt to unfairly make him seem “crazy.”

“Right Wing Watch, which will be reporting on what we just said, relies on the thirteen tactics that are available to them through Mr. Alinsky, they rely on that on how they report on you and I and they will spin what we’ve done so that we are ‘frozen,’ ‘freeze your opposition,’ present it in such a wacko, weird light that you will end up defending it and really being frozen as far as forward momentum and forward progress with whatever our agenda happens to be,” Garrow told Rush.

Because there is nothing crazy at all about Garrow’s assertions that Obama will soon claim to be communicating with aliens, try to kill 90% of Americans with a nuclear EMP attack to help George Soros make money and is part of a nefarious Arab-Chinese/Russian-Canadian conspiracy to destroy America.

In the very same interview, Rush proved his lack of insanity by arguing that someone “should disappear” Obama administration officials for their alleged hostility to the Constitution.