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Too Bad, You Are Stuck With Him

The Associated Press profiles Vernon Robinson, a candidate for North Carolina's 13th District House seat, who has a penchant for saying outrageously offensive things about his opponents, such as his recent radio ad which claims that if his opponent "had his way, America would be nothing but one big fiesta for illegal aliens and homosexuals."

While Robinson reportedly sees himself as the sort of candidate people want to support because he "stands for something," local Republican officials are at a loss as to how to deal with him, with Bill Peaslee, the North Carolina Republican Party's chief of staff capable of mustering little more than a meager "Vernon has a unique way of getting his point across."

Others active in the state GOP, such as political consultant Ballard Everett, are less circumspect

"I know Jesse Helms, and Vernon Robinson is no Jesse Helms ... Jesse, at least, had some class ... He's the one Republican I want to see leave the party -- and the state."

What does it say about Robinson that he is accused of having less class than Jesse Helms?

[And while we are on the subject of Vernon Robinson, let us take a minute to address two specific charges Robinson recently made

PFAW's website to discussing my voting record, quoting my speeches, publishing the text of my television and radio ads, and calling me "bigoted" because of my "Bill Cosby-like statements on race issues" and my outspoken opposition to homosexual marriage and illegal immigration ... So PFAW has declared me "Enemy #1" for the purpose of issuing marching orders to its legion of loony-left-wing groups to take me out by sending money to Brad Miller to defame me.

Generally, when people put things in quotes, it is because they are quoting something. Not so with Robinson, who apparently prefers to simply attribute non-existent quotes to PFAW such as his assertion that we blasted his "Bill Cosby-like statements on race issues" or have declared him "Enemy #1," neither of which is true.]