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Tony Perkins Says 'LGBT Is the Zenith of Man's Rebellion Against God'

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., Sept. 21, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins preached at Westgate Chapel in Edmonds, Washington, Sunday. Following his sermon, Perkins sat down with Westgate's senior pastor Alec Rowlands for a wide-ranging discussion on the issue of "The Church and Politics."

During the discussion, Perkins declared that the push for LGBTQ rights is "the zenith of man's rebellion against God" and that the people who fight for such rights are controlled by "demonic spirits."

"This whole thing with LGBT is the zenith of man's rebellion against God," Perkins said. "The Creator who created us in his own image, we're saying, 'No, we will decide—not biology, not science—we will decide what our gender is.' This is the zenith of rebellion against God. That is the only explanation for how people are surrendering to this agenda, how adamant the advocates of this agenda are, and why we as believers in Jesus Christ who love people and do not want to see our children condemned to confusion for the rest of their lives must speak the truth of God's word."

"Jesus made very clear there are two genders, not 52," Perkins continued. "We can never accommodate darkness. I'm going to be very clear about this tonight: Those that are opposing us on these issues are not our enemies. We know that our enemies are spiritual. The weapons of our warfare are not carnal. Our enemies are not flesh and blood; they're the spirits, the demonic spirits that control so much."

Despite his long history of incendiary comments about the LGBTQ community, Perkins is an influential voice in conservative politics, regularly hosting Republican members of Congress on his “Washington Watch” radio show. The Family Research Council, which has been designated an anti-LGBT hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, had a hand in the formation of Trump administration policy on a wide variety of issues.