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Tony Perkins Attacks Hillary Clinton For Counting Gay Couples As Families

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins was not happy that Hillary Clinton included two gay couples in her campaign launch video, in which she says that “when families are strong, America is strong.”

“Her definition of family is a bit different,” Perkins said on his “Washington Watch” radio program yesterday. “She actually had same-sex couples there in her video.”

Perkins then asked his guest, Terry Jeffrey of the conservative outlet CNSNews, if GOP presidential hopefuls will address the marriage debate during the campaign.

Jeffrey was not optimistic, citing what he called the “almost incomprehensible” interview that Rand Paul recently gave to CNN on the subject and warning that “married folks with families” are going to stay home from the polls if Republicans are not vocal in their opposition to marriage equality.

“So it seemed to me that Rand Paul yesterday was essentially surrendering the marriage issue,” Jeffrey said. “If you have a candidate that does that, a Republican Party candidate who does that in the fall election, then there is going to be millions of voters all over America — especially people who are married folks with families who get out and go to work and support and raise their own kids and believe in the Judeo-Christian moral tradition that made America great and made America free — you will have millions of voters like that say ‘wait a minute’ and they’re going to be turned off and some of them, quite frankly, aren’t going to want to vote for somebody who takes that position.”

Perkins agreed with Jeffrey’s assessment, alleging that Mitt Romney lost the election because he didn’t take a more vocal stand on social issues.