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Tom Tancredo: 'Join A Militia' If Republicans Don't Impeach Obama

Former congressman Tom Tancredo once again called on House Republicans to vote to impeach President Obama, writing this weekend in WorldNetDaily that the GOP should “call the White House’s bluff and proceed with impeachment.”

He warns that if Republicans are “afraid to challenge presumptuous dictatorial behavior,” then “the war is already lost and we should all stock our ammunition shelves and join a militia.”

Sometimes the arrogance of the Obama White House offers a gift that is really a Trojan Horse. But sometimes, the Obama hubris presents us a piñata full of unexpected treats. Which is it this time with the impeachment question?

Obama is daring the nation to impeach him. Is this a Trojan Horse or a piñata?

The only political question to be answered is not whether Obama will do it but how Republicans will respond. Even many in the Democratic establishment are admitting that general amnesty by edict is unconstitutional and, as such, is an impeachable offense. The Republican establishment – and the conservative establishment as well – is virtually unanimous in saying, yes, it is an impeachable offense, but it is a trap, so we must not talk about impeachment.

That argument is tantamount to saying that even if Obama burned the American flag on the White House lawn, we must look the other way and pretend it is a summer picnic because the Democratic base might get offended.

What is being recommended in the name of smart politics by the Charles Krauthammers and Karl Roves of the world is a gag order on impeachment talk in the face of blatant impeachable behavior. According to this line of thinking, talking about impeachment now is stupid politically, but we can talk about it later after we win a U.S. Senate majority in November. Anyone who believes that line will shell out big bucks for a resort honeymoon on Mars in a heartbeat.

We are no longer debating what is an impeachable offense; we are being asked to look away and pretend the Constitution is not being shredded. Our answer must be: Sorry, but that is not something allowed by the genetic code of patriots.

The truth is impeachment will NEVER be the safest course or the smartest course for the political establishment, but it is the necessary course for the survival of the U.S. Constitution even if ultimately rejected by the U.S. Senate after a fair trial. We must make the case for impeachment to demonstrate that no man is above the law, not even the first black president. If we do not make that case, we are betraying the Constitution and degrading our children’s inheritance.

If we go down the road of “not now but maybe later” when Obama is arrogantly daring us by openly engaging in clearly unconstitutional acts, when will it ever by “smart politics” to threaten impeachment against unconstitutional acts by any future president? Impeachment will always be “off the table.”

There is an additional reason we must call Obama’s bluff on impeachment. The time is now, not later, to accept the challenge presented by the threat to “energize the Democratic base.” Are we really that afraid that the Democrat base can be rallied in support of blatantly unconstitutional acts but that the Republican base cannot be motivated and energized to respond in kind? Are we really that afraid to challenge presumptuous dictatorial behavior? If so, then the war is already lost and we should all stock our ammunition shelves and join a militia.