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Tom DeLay Says There Are Legitimate Questions About Ted Cruz's Eligibility To Be President

Tom DeLay joined Steve Malzberg on his Newsmax TV program yesterday to discuss the news of the day, during which he voiced his displeasure that Congress allowed President Obama to deliver his State of the Union address and declared that there are legitimate questions regarding Ted Cruz's eligibility to be president.

DeLay kicked things off by declaring that he was "a little upset that the Congress even invited [Obama] to come give the State of the Union" because "he's a lawless president" and so Congress "should have disinvited him." 

Eventually, the topic of Donald Trump's "birther" attacks on Ted Cruz came up and DeLay made it clear that while he is not defending Trump and "would never vote for him," the questions about Cruz's eligibility are serious and something that Cruz needs to address.

"I gotta say, I've had this problem ever since Cruz announced," DeLay stated. "There is a difference between the definition of natural born and naturalization and it has not been settled by any branch of government. So I think Cruz needs to address this in some way because I think it is a cloud right now in Iowa." 

When Malzberg asked if Cruz should take the issue to the courts, DeLay responded that "that's probably the most expedient way to do it."

"He's going to the courts if he's the nominee," DeLay stated. "The Democrats will use every avenue available to them, they sued me over a ballot issue. They'll sue him. He'll end up in the courts one way or another."