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Todd Starnes: Treat Immigrant Caravan like ‘Invading Force’ Committing ‘Act of War’

Todd Starnes speaks at Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., on September 21, 2018. (Photo: Jared Holt for Right Wing Watch)

Todd Starnes, a Fox News radio host, said that President Donald Trump should shut down the southern border, call in the military, and treat an incoming caravan of migrants seeking relief in the United States as an “invading force” doing something that should be considered “an act of war.”

On yesterday’s broadcast of his show on Fox News Radio, Starnes focused on reports that a caravan of migrants is currently traveling to the United States to seek refuge from the poverty and violence in Honduras. President Trump has said he would consider using military action to prevent the migrants from entering the United States at the U.S.-Mexico border, a possibility that Starnes strongly endorsed. Starnes argued that the migrants should be considered an “invading force” against the United States.

“There is a group of 4,000—I want to call them militant Hondurans, and the reason why is they’re about to invade our country,” Starnes said. “There was a time in American history when if you had a group of people all from one country coming into another country without their permission, crossing their border, that was an act of war, but now it’s just, ‘Howdy do. Here’s some food stamps. Here’s some free healthcare for you. Oh, and by the way, here’s your registration card for the Democrat Party.’”

He continued, “So the president is now threatening to call out the military to shut down the border and I believe the president doesn’t need to threat (sic), he needs to act. No more threatening, Mr. President. It’s time to put a stop to this nonsense. I say enough is enough.”

Starnes said it was time for Trump to “shut down the border” and not let “a single person” enter the country “until we get a handle on all of this.”

“So, shut down the borders, call out the military, and quite frankly we ought to treat this 4,000-strong migrant caravan as an invading force,” Starnes said. “That’s what we ought to do. It’s time to play hardball.”