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Todd Starnes: It’s The Liberal Media's Fault That Everyone Thinks Donald Trump Is Bombastic

American Family Radio’s Bryan Fischer invited Fox News commentator Todd Starnes onto his radio program this afternoon to discuss tonight’s Republican presidential primary debate, and of course the conversation turned first to Donald Trump.

Reading from a Politico article that reported that Jeb Bush called Trump an “asshole” and a “clown” after Trump retweeted a racist comment about Bush’s wife, Fischer asked, “Which Donald Trump are we going to see? Are we going to see Mr. Green Jeans or are we going to see a guy with his hair on fire?”

Starnes replied that this was the wrong question to be asking because Trump’s “bombastic” appearance is all a set-up by the liberal media.

“I’m wondering if perhaps the political chattering class is trying to goad Donald Trump into some sort of a fight with Jeb Bush during the debate,” he said. “Because Mr. Trump, leading up to tonight’s debate, has been talking about how he’s going to, he’s not going to be a bombastic individual, he’s going to have a pleasant conversation.”

“And you know, Bryan, when you really step back and look at Donald Trump and look at him as a businessman, I suspect that we’ve all bought in to this caricature that the media is creating, the mainstream media is creating, that this is how Donald Trump acts all the time. So I would not be surprised to see him even-keeled and steady-as-she-goes tonight.”

Fischer agreed that “this has the potential to be one of the most boring debates on record.”