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Todd Starnes: 'I Believe That We Experienced Divine Intervention Last November'

While appearing on the American Pastors Network's "Stand In The Gap" radio program yesterday to promote his latest book, “‘The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again,” Fox News commentator Todd Starnes declared that Donald Trump's election was the result of "divine intervention."

Starnes credited Franklin Graham's "Decision America Tour" and the prayer rallies he hosted in every state capital for saving the nation, declaring that "we were at a moral tipping point" and on the verge of "losing the country and losing the culture if Hillary Clinton had won."

"I would not discount the power of what Franklin Graham did," Starnes said. "He did not endorse, but what he did do in 2016 was stage massive prayer gatherings at every single state capital in the country. And I believe that we experienced divine intervention last November and I believe that God was giving us a second chance. So we've been given a second chance and Christians, we've got to stand up and we've got to get it right."