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Todd Starnes Calls On God To Send Hornets And Cicadas To Attack Obama

Fox News pundit Todd Starnes spoke at the Faith and Freedom Conference last Saturday in order to warn his Christian comrades that a war is coming. Starnes argued that if “our Founding Fathers” could see “these Republicans campaigning as culture war conservatives but governing as godless Democrats” they would “start another revolution.”

Standing before the audience to “sound a warning, an alarm,” Starnes claimed that “the American way of life is under attack” from an “active and aggressive war on religious liberty.” However, this war does not affect “the Jewish faith, or the Muslim faith, or the Hindu faith,” but instead is targeted only against “people of the Christian faith.”

As evidence for this war against Christianity, Starnes used the horror story of the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on the constitutionality of gay marriage bans. “Understand this,” Starnes commanded.

“This is not just about marriage; this is about whether or not a government can begin to put limitations on the conscience and the convictions of people of faith.” Christians, according to Starnes, are already facing “considerable adversity” as “our businesses, and our families, and our churches are in jeopardy.”

However, moral Christians should not be hopeless. Starnes finds hope for the salvation of America in the Old Testament’s Book of Exodus, in which God sent a “swarm of hornets to clear the battlefield” for an outnumbered Israelite army. This story, argued Starnes, should be the “battle prayer of every patriot saint:”

When the public schools tell students that our Founding Fathers were a bunch of terrorists: Send the hornets, Lord! Clear the field! When a teacher tells a little boy he can’t pray over his meal: Send the hornets, Lord! Clear that field! When the Pentagon tells them to take down a cross on a Christian chapel: Send those hornets! Clear the field! When the Supreme Court says they know better than God: Send the hornets, Lord! Clear the field!

And, when the president says that America is no longer just a Christian nation: Don’t send the hornets, Lord. Send the mosquitoes and the gnats, and the bumblebees and the lightning bugs and the cicadas! Send every critter you got, Lord! Clear the field!”