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Todd Starnes: America 'Heading In Direction' Of Nazi Germany

Fox News commentator Todd Starnes said that Christians in America are “under attack” and are facing persecution reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

Starnes made the remarks in an interview posted yesterday with Jerry Newcombe on “Truth that Transforms.”

Newcombe, whose group, previously named Coral Ridge Ministries, created the right-wing thriller “Socialism: A Clear and Present Danger,” read Martin Niemöller’s poem “First They Came For The Socialists…” during the interview … but curiously dropped the poem’s lines about “socialists” and “trade unionists.”

Starnes noted that Christians in America are not facing “persecution” because they have not yet experienced violence, which is surprising coming from Starnes, since he has boasted that he’s “documented hundreds of instances of religious persecution in the United States. And the targets have been exclusively Christians.”

The Fox News pundit also once said that the Obama administration reminds him of “1930s Germany.”