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Tim Wildmon: ‘It’s Getting To The Point Where I Look At Muslims And I’m Skeptical Of All Of Them’

Dr. Robert Jeffress joined American Family Association president Tim Wildmon on American Family Radio's “Today’s Issuesprogram yesterday to discuss the terrorist attacks on Paris.

Wildmon acknowledged that he’s not sure how people should respond “as Christians” to “the fact that these acts of terrorism are done almost exclusively now by Islamic jihadists.” He concluded that, as a Christian, “It’s getting to the point where I look at Muslims, and I’m skeptical of all of them.” Wildmon allowed that “maybe that’s Islamophobic” but continued on to say it’s a “reality” that all terrorists are Muslim.

Jeffress agreed with the sentiment, adding that the Paris attackers were acting in accordance to Islam. “We all individually want to love Muslims and do everything we can to lead them to faith in Jesus Christ,” Jeffress said, “but, … we’ve got to lay aside political correctness and say what is the truth, and that is these eight suicide bombers in Paris were not acting in opposition to Islam faith, they were acting in concert with what Islam teaches.”