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Theodore Shoebat: 'Pamela Geller Is Worthy Of Death' For Associating With Gays

Last week, extremist right-wing activist Theodore Shoebat posted a video in which he called for anti-Islam activist Pamela Geller to be put to death for associating with "faggots" and "sodomites" at a "Gays for Trump" event during the Republican National Convention earlier this summer.

Shoebat was outraged that Geller was associating with the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos, whom he has also demanded be put to death, and Chris Barron, a co-founder of the defunct gay conservative group GOProud, and said that, according to the Bible, she ought to be put to death.

Shoebat declared that the alt-right "is filled with perverts and fag-lovers and sodomite-lovers," and read from Romans 1 to argue that, in a proper Christian society, people like Geller would be put to death for associating with them.

"Pamela Geller is worthy of death in biblical law," he declared. "In the government of Christendom, she is worthy of death ... Look what evil she is doing by promoting homosexual Social Darwinist Nazi religion!"

Last year, Shoebat appeared alongside several GOP presidential candidates and members of Congress in an anti-gay "documentary." Earlier this year, an article he co-wrote smearing prominent Donald Trump critic Khizr Khan was promoted by members of the Trump campaign.