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TheCall, International

I have no idea what is going on in Kenya that requires immediate intervention by Lou Engle, but apparently he and God TV see something at work there that warrants their first African-based rally:

"Kenya stands at a critical juncture as its newspaper headlines expose the frailty of the nation's moral fabric," said Lou Engle, "but there is the promise of a great awakening on the horizon. It is always darkest before dawn, and the Church is set to enter its finest hour. When it seems like there is no hope, God still has a holy prescription: 'Blow the trumpet in Zion, declare a fast, call a sacred assembly!' (Joel 2). We are therefore calling the people of Kenya to gather in nation's capital, on December 6th, to cry out to God for mercy and revival."


"We sense God's Hand on TheCall Kenya and it's strategic timing," said Wendy Alec who is GOD TV's Director of Television, "which is why we will be broadcasting the entire event LIVE to our potential viewing audience of almost half a billion viewers in 214 nations. It is only through prayer and fasting that we will see revival come to our nations and we encourage viewers to tune in and stand with the people of Kenya in prayer, and as they do, we believe the Lord will touch them wherever they live."

Christians and Mulsims are slaughtering each other in Nigeria, a genocide continues in Darfur, a horrific conflict continues to plague the Democratic Republic of Congo, and Somalia is wracked with unimaginable horrors while pirates ply its seas ... yet apparently it is Kenya's unravelling "moral fabric" that Engle seeks to save.