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The Palin Dead-Enders Blame the Media

I really need to stop taking vacations, because I end up missing out on entertaining arguments/easy blog fodder such as this absurd quote Michael Barone saying the “liberal media attacked Sarah Palin because she did not abort her Down syndrome baby” or this press release from Janice Crouse of Concerned Women for America warning the media not to “dare [to] try to destroy Sarah Palin”  … because if they do, Crouse explains, they’ll all end up losing their jobs: 

Crouse concluded, "Sarah Palin, the newest star on the political horizon and the most natural campaigner since Ronald Reagan, is not only a Republican, she is also a woman.  She is not only a woman, she is a conservative woman.  She is not only a conservative woman, she is a Christian conservative woman.  It is entirely predictable, but unconscionable, that the media would consider her fair game for personal destruction.  They must realize, however, that their bias and distortions all but destroyed their credibility during the 2008 presidential campaign.  Now, major newspapers are cutting staff, network viewership is declining, and more and more people are bypassing the mainstream media in an effort to find the truth.  If the mainstream media continues with their politics of personal destruction, they are earning their own destruction."

It seems like jus a few weeks ago Crouse was offering unsolicited advice to Palin, telling her that her “life experiences and intuition” equipped her “just fine for the job” of Vice President and explaining that all she had to do was convince America that “you can be trusted, that you are honest, and that you are authentic.”

As I recall, all she ended up managing to do was convince America that she was not qualified to be president if necessary.