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'Thanks To The Lord And Donald Trump': Paula White Uses Kenneth Copeland Church To Rally Support For Trump

Earlier this month, televangelist Paula White, a key spiritual adviser to President Trump, preached at fellow televangelist Kenneth Copeland's Eagle Mountain Church in Texas, where she literally beseeched the congregation to go out and vote in the midterm elections for Republicans who will support Trump in Washington.

Following her sermon, White was joined on stage by Terri Pearsons, who is Copeland's daughter and a senior pastor at the church, to discuss "what's at stake in this election." White energized the crowd by rattling off a variety of things that "we" in the Trump administration have accomplished, focused mainly on the number of judges he has appointed to the federal courts and the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

"I'm telling you, I have never seen the kind of battle and the fighting against everything that we as believers ... stand for," White said. "I'm pleading with you. You know how the Apostle Paul would beseech you—that's like 'HEY!'—I'm beseeching you right now."

"There is so much at stake in this," Pearsons responded, hammering home the point that Trump's judicial appointments are "probably the single biggest, most critical issue" in the upcoming elections. "That's what your vote means, so we're going to vote for the team that will most press that agenda through because it's the judges that have brought so much of the ungodliness into our nation."

"You see the hand of God in all this," White chimed in, falsely claiming that California has already passed a law "that says the Bible is a book of hate speech and to ban the sale of it."

Warning that such laws will soon spread to other states unless Trump can place "righteous judges" on courts throughout the nation, White said that it is crucial to get Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court because "we probably will have ... up to a total of five other" Supreme Court appointments if Republicans can retain control of the Senate and Trump can win a second term.

"That's how important a time we are in," she said.

"Thanks to the Lord and Donald Trump, we can talk about these things in church on Sunday morning," Copeland added from off-stage to raucous applause.

"I can say to you, 'Vote red,'" Pearsons declared. "I can say that to you without any fear that the IRS is going to take away your right to donate to this church and deduct it from your taxes and without you being audited because of it. That's over and that's because our president did that for us."

White and Pearsons were then met on stage by Pearsons' fellow senior pastor and husband, George Pearsons, who joined them in celebrating.

"We're using the voice that God has given us and the muzzle is off," he said. "The muzzle is off and it's not going back on, either!"