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Texas Supreme Court Justice: 'The Church Has Gone To Sleep' And Let Progressives Rule 'Every Facet of Government'

Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine joined the “Faith & Liberty” program recently to discuss his originalist judicial philosophy, which he said reflects the “intent of the founders,” unlike that of the progressives who now — thanks to the negligence of the church — control “the White House and almost every facet of government.”

“How do you react when you hear the Constitution as a living and breathing document?” host Dave Garrison asked Devine.

“Well, it’s just not what the intent of the Founding Fathers was,” Devine replied. “It’s like the Ten Commandments, if we would just stick to those basic principles our nation would be far better off and we would once again be the light on the hill. And unfortunately, the church has gone to sleep, many Americans have gone to sleep and we have allowed those with these progressive ideas to have the White House and almost every facet of government.”