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Texas “Patriot Pastors

Rick Scarborough, an influential Religious Right advocate whose Vision America has been trying to organize “Patriot Pastors” in Texas to mobilize their congregations at the ballot box, is now setting his sights on Missouri. In an e-mail to supporters, Scarborough writes that “God has chosen to bless and anoint our efforts” to build up “Patriot Pastors” – who were critical in the passage of an anti-gay marriage amendment last year and are poised to play a similar role in Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election campaign.

Much of what we have been able to do so quickly can be attributed to a small number of large donors who have been gracious to assist our efforts.  But what Vision America needs now more than ever, are hundreds of small, but faithful Patriot Partners, who will invest a minimum of $1 a day, to help solidify our base operations so we can function without facing the ups and downs of one time large gifts.

“During the next five months we will be focusing most of our efforts on the state of Missouri,” he writes, “where the next major battle for the soul of America is being waged” in the form of a referendum on stem-cell research, which Scarborough describes as “allowing human cloning for the first time in American history,” a characterization disputed by supporters of the bill. Writes Scarborough:

At the outset of this battle, we are more than 20 points behind in the polls.  The big spenders have convinced the voters that human cloning for medical experiments is an acceptable proposition. From now until election day, Vision America is allocating $100,000 toward educating Pastors otherwise.

We will hold five major rallies around the state featuring Alan Keyes and myself, and a minimum of 10 Pastor Briefings, each gathering up to 100 Pastors.  We are also planning a campaign on the airwaves with allies at American Family Radio and the Bott Radio Network offering their communication networks for our efforts. …

I will be spending the next 5 months looking for Patriot Pastors who will...stand up, speak up and refuse to give Missouri.

In addition to the Texas network, Russell Johnson and televangelist Rod Parsley have built a “Patriot Pastors” network in Ohio that is closely tied to Republican Kenneth Blackwell’s campaign for governor, and Colin Hanna is working to organize a similar network in Pennsylvania to aid Sen. Rick Santorum (R).