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Ted Nugent: Young People Back Bernie Sanders' 'Potentially Deadly' Policies Because They've Been Brainwashed

In his weekly column for WorldNetDaily yesterday, NRA board member and far-right activist Ted Nugent explained why Bernie Sanders has won a huge following among young people: public school brainwashing.

“After being indoctrinated by our public schools that capitalism is corrupt, that America is a racist country and that more government will make things fair, it is no surprise Millennials have gravitated to Sanders’ socialism like stinky hippies to a free concert,” he said, criticizing the “embarrassing, clueless young people” who back Sanders’ policies even though they have “historically proven to be dangerous, beyond dumb and potentially even deadly.”

“Crazy Bernie is peddling some nasty, toxic snake oil to children,” he continued. “You youngsters might want to do a little research beyond your social engineering classes at NumbNut University.”

A word to the embarrassing, clueless young people who believe Sen. Sanders is their ticket to prosperity: There is no free lunch.

Old Bernie is scamming young people with his “democratic socialism” and politically correct, fantasy-driven, feel-good “fairness” tripe. Regretfully, too few of our young people have the worldly know-how or basic economic smarts to see that his dusty ideas are historically proven to be dangerous, beyond dumb and potentially even deadly.

Young people have every right to feel disenfranchised, angry and dissatisfied, I’ll give you that. With the country lurching toward $20 trillion in debt and racing maniacally toward the $30 trillion mark, Fedzilla has literally robbed Millennials of their future. The American dream may very well be something the Millennials read about instead of something they achieve. Sorry, folks, but like Sen. Sanders, bad news does not get better with age.

Sanders’ brand of big-government socialism essentially calls for plundering the wealth of billionaires (of which there are less than 600 in America) and redistributing that wealth to others who will receive the so-called “free stuff” such as a college education, womb-to-tomb health care, vacations and assorted goodies and bonuses we used to earn for ourselves.

What is not-so-amazing is how and why Millennials believe Sen. Sanders’ big-government socialism ideas are flush with prosperity. After being indoctrinated by our public schools that capitalism is corrupt, that America is a racist country and that more government will make things fair, it is no surprise Millennials have gravitated to Sanders’ socialism like stinky hippies to a free concert.