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Ted Nugent: 'Donald Trump Should Be Given The Medal Of Freedom'

Ted Nugent, the conservative musician and NRA board member, is a big fan of Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant tirades, which comes as no surprise as Nugent once advocated shooting immigrants who cross the Southern border.

“Donald Trump should be given the Medal of Freedom for speaking his mind in such a bold, honest and straight-forward manner,” Nugent wrote in WorldNetDaily today. “Carry on, Mr. Trump. Unless you are taking flak, you’re not over the target.”

Nugent added that Republicans are finished if they don’t embrace Trump’s message on immigration: “And for the record, I dare anybody to show me one word from Trump that isn’t accurate. What sort of denial gagged liar denies that our country is being invaded by drugrunners, murderers and rapists? What sort of denial gagged liar could possibly believe Trump meant legal immigrants? GOP, your very existence is on the line here. Show some honesty or you’re done.”

Donald Trump is running strong in the early polls because Americans are fed up with the political status quo, especially from left-leaning GOP Fedzillacrats who want to feed us cow dung while telling us it’s a cheeseburger.

Our forefathers wouldn’t recognize the political labyrinth our professional politicians have created. The very things our forefathers warned us not to do as it pertains to embracing a centralized, powerful federal government is the very cliff our professional politicians have steered the Goodship America straight off of.

And Donald Trump is a mess?

Donald Trump’s message sings to Americans because he doesn’t play politically correct brain-dead games. He calls them like he sees them. That’s refreshing to millions of Americans who believe political correctness is a public cancer that has eroded free speech and everything else good about America.

Those who condemn Donald Trump for refusing to use cowardly, politically correct words would be wise to remember the words of Harry Truman who said, “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear.”

Instead of being condemned and lampooned by the likes of Ari Fleischer and his ilk, Donald Trump should be given the Medal of Freedom for speaking his mind in such a bold, honest and straight-forward manner.

If you want to watch a real political train wreck, witness a real mess in progress, you need look no further than the professional politicians who have borrowed and spent this country into oblivion. Trump that if you dare.

Carry on, Mr. Trump. Unless you are taking flak, you’re not over the target.

And for the record, I dare anybody to show me one word from Trump that isn’t accurate. What sort of denial gagged liar denies that our country is being invaded by drugrunners, murderers and rapists? What sort of denial gagged liar could possibly believe Trump meant legal immigrants?

GOP, your very existence is on the line here. Show some honesty or you’re done.